Originally Posted by
Hi Guys ,
They will do what ever they want too , right or wrong , legal or illegal , those words are meaningless to them , by fair means or fowl they will get their way , we need to be more political , and either form own party ? , or get reps in a existing party , AND vote for the party that has our interests at heart , & that means to me , not sticking to maybe your normal party , ie National or Labour or NZ1st or Greens , BUT the ONE that best aligns with hunters/shooters etc , that is whats needed by US .
But few will do that , they will still vote for their usuall party reguardless .
I see firearm ownership as the main indicator of a truely free democratic country , so , it shows Freedom , & that should be a Major aspect to most people that understand real freedom .
Me I have always voted for National , apart from the one time social credit was around , as they are usually pro business , anti hand outs , and have worked in real jobs in the real world & tend to run country like a business , ie live within their means etc , not spent 15-20yrs at UNI , as professonal students/teachers , .
So next election I will vote for the party that was the best to offer for hunters etc , and that maybe a party I have never voted for before .
SO I vote for Freedom , thats more important than , being blinkered into always voting for your default party , also we need to make it clear that IF they lie & go back on thier word then we will vote against them next election , so as to hold them to account .
Funny thing is , that this is not Labour or any party pushing this , its the Police , they are un-affected my our voting , BUT the Parties that are thier Bosses , are affected by voting , maybe they will listen , Opps maybe not .
Rant over