As Spud says, it on the form, but they have never for those details to be completed when I was getting them to sign it.
As Spud says, it on the form, but they have never for those details to be completed when I was getting them to sign it.
Welcome to Sako club.
She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
I send any fire -arm stuff through PBT cheap as.
Mind I send every thing with them now, couple of torpedo's to SI recently under $30 .14 kg & 9 kg
Gun control means using both hands
All that is required on that form is your name and lisence number. You are only having the cops prove to the seller that you are lisenced, you are not registering firearms. The serial number make and model is not required and is registration by deception. If you want to fill that bit out then its up to you, its voluntary. Stand your ground if they insist you fill out those parts. The last 2 order forms i had done almost ended up in an argument with my local copper. She backed down in the end because she was wrong and she knew it.
I was simply correcting poster #2 who was giving advice to poster #1. The whole point of this thread was to supply information that the OP was after was it not? And you dont have to fill out those specific parts of the form as it is registration by deception.