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Thread: pretty sure that wasn't meant to happen...

  1. #31
    Member roig's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Hokipica your arse
    I was up the range a couple of years back and this chap had just fitted a new suppressor. First shot, HOLY CRAP!!! The bloody thing looked like a peeled banana skin. One hell of a bang, never did find out the cause. Bloody lucky no one was hurt. Another guy had the problem at the start of this thread as well. It was barely touching the hole but throwing the rounds all over the target.

    That's a whatchamacallit! Isn't it?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    bizzarely enough i had the identical problem .GCsupplied & fitted a suppressor for both my 7.62x39 norinco &.303.we discovered ye old impact mark on the exit hole so back it went.new (more expensive unit)replaces said one as its deemed "faulty" by the head honcho and all at no cost to me.unfortunately for them we found same prob again,so in i goes local gunsmith GM is in store and tells em to leave it with him to sort.Seems all s ok now ,but unlike others I've found dealing with a single staff member and being firm but polite has generally got me a satisfactory solution,not all has gone the way I would ideally like but it has been effective.Due to one suppressor with two rifles it was initially a mystery as to the guilty party altho GM felt the .303having a beefier stiffer barrel wasnt.

    other times ive dealt with them Ive generally found em reasonable.ignore the hype &macho bullshitand the arnold /rambo weapons systems on display and you'd be very suprised what you may in fact find if you quietly poke round.
    BTW -Ive had a couple of real shitbuster experiences from certain chain often spoken highly of on both forums.one particular shop i will only buy from ONE person.in fact i will say the persons concerned would outdo GC in terms of what not to do.anyhow two sides to every story,and innuendo&anecdote aint always 100%bona fide.
    Last edited by kotuku; 18-06-2013 at 04:40 PM.



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