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Thread: R8 vs R93

  1. #46
    Tread carefully in the suck... ishoot10s's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    NW of the true capital...
    Quote Originally Posted by tui_man2 View Post
    Forgot to take photo while ago sorry
    Here is the r8 vs r93 bolt heads

    Weight of the 2 of the ones the I have are
    2087grams r8
    1942grams r93

    That's rifle with no barrels in them, going the r93 way there is going to be more and more aftermarket parts soon either that or cheaper and cheaper r93s

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
    That's a much more pronounced shoulder on the R8 locking collet and its bolt head is longer. Interesting.
    10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.



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