If you choose the TBR setting it will display the LOS first followed by the TBR a second or two later
Imo unless the binos can measure environmentals there’s no point having in built ballistic calculators. I never used them in the sigs even when running a kestrel. It’s probably good for static range shooting but for hunting, glassing, moving, stalking, glassing again, repositioning, spooking the deer, find a new firing position, re range the deer… all the Bluetooth connectivity options are just destined to fail.
The Meopta RF are pretty good for the price. My mate got some and the glass is as good as my Zeiss conquest HD in low light. They range fast and far too. He got 15% off being NZDA getting them from Kilwell
Yes noticeably better glass, and nice lens caps. Delta fella was good to deal with too.
Vortex Fury ABs, I know how many Vortex haters abound on this forum, but I'm happy with them. Have used the life time guarantee for a scope, paid the price difference and upgraded seamlessly. Compared to Nikon HG binos I had before, I can't tell the difference in glass quality. Can input the ballistics of the rifle I'm using on the day, very convenient.
Some may find this comparison video by Area419 useful. Vector are an interesting proposition against the other two tier-1 LRF binos.
Gee are the sigs that blue![]()
Need to decide if you want any of the ballistic stuff.
The Sigs and Leica .com binos have the ability to bluetooth to a Kestrel or phone app.
Others just have built in ballistic solvers that don't blue tooth and others that just give distance/TBR.
Also need to decide if you want best of best glass, best/most user friendly ballistic software, or something value for money.
Been using my leica for over 10 years now, still very happy , will range camels on salt pans accurately ±1m to 1200m check against gps often. Very clear glass. And yes I use NF scopes as well.
How many people have shot animals out past 1km with data from their RF binos?
I carry a rangefinder (Leica 2700B) and separate binos (Swarovski 10x42 EL).
Don't have ground where I can safely shoot beyond 300m at the moment. So not worried at all.
Shot targets put to 1.5km but I'd say the best binos in the world can't give you a wind call within 2-5mph
It’s the same as shooting that distance off a printed out drop chart. You’re stuck with your default environmental data.
If you want RF binos to do all the thinking for you out that far or in different environments you will need to pair with a kestrel or invest in something like the sig10k