Chuck up a quick review, would love to get hold of one.
The ammo is rimfire and therefore not very consistent. When you combine that fact with the heavy milspec triggers it ill be hard to get great groups from the JARD. However, I suspect with practice and for certain types of shooting (Wallaby destruction) from a Helo you will be right as rain.
Warm Barrels!
Yeah I have got the same upper lower combo. Do you have the Jard hammer in yours or are you still using the Kriss Hammer? I havent upgraded the standard Kriss hammer yet and despite hearing it would be unreliable have only had two stoppages in nearly 150 rounds. Your right, the trigger certainly isn't going to help groups. There is a bit of play between my upper and lower receivers as well. From the bench its often the first shot for me that goes haywire but then the rest of the mag is on point. Overall I like the Jard, reminds me of the good ole days.....As already mentioned its got significantly more legs than other rimfire offerings. The rifle/ammo combo is probably never going to be consistent enough for bench rest accuracy but for pest control for with our current regs its probably one of the best tools available.
I had heard the Kriss hammer spring was unreliable and should be upgraded but I have been happy with the reliability of mine. Probably still upgrade it though. Be interesting to hear the experience of more Jard upper/Kriss lower owners.
The fit between the receivers for me is tight as a nuns. I need a hammer and bunch to get it on and off, zero play.
interested... bit concerned by the reported flyers if it's ammo
How did y'all get a hold of a Jard? Checked gunsnz website and they all say pre-order?
I think the initial lot sold out and they are waiting on another shipment. Broncos and another retailer I can't recall stock them too.
Here's some groups shot from my Savage Bmag that has a regular laminate stock and heavy fluted barrel. Rifle has been bedded by previous owner.
Groups are fired from bipod with no rear bag laying prone in a paddock at 100m to better simulate "field" conditions. Groups were also fired with no time for the barrel to cool down on the 3 round Groups, so 15 rounds in approx 2 minutes. Also fired top left /right then bottom left/right with the center last, and as you can see the groups start to open up around this point.
Also I noted the group sizes did seem to shrink considerably (not pictured) after a scrub of the barrel as I had put 500 or so rounds through it, though this will require re shooting and I haven't got around to that yet!
Making 220-300 yard shots on the little 250ml home brand fizzy bottles was a breeze with 7/10 shots being first round hits(rabbit chest size?) Furthest shot was 340 but was 3rd round as I had no idea of wind value as a bunny popped up 90 degrees to where I had targets set.
Also be aware the 25gr rounds can and will pass through even hares as I managed to shoot through the lower neck/shoulders of one and it passed through killing the one sitting a meter or so behind it! First time for everything huh.
Ignore the writing as it was just me making notes to myself
Anyone with one of the Jard J72's want to do a quickfire review?![]()
Any of these (other than the plastic Savage) sitting in any of the local gunshops for sale?