hmmm so its basically a 7.7mm/08 nearly identicle just slightly would guess the .310 projectiles made for the x39mm could be used as well as the usual .312 stuff....
definately useful.
hmmm so its basically a 7.7mm/08 nearly identicle just slightly would guess the .310 projectiles made for the x39mm could be used as well as the usual .312 stuff....
definately useful.
75/15/10 black powder matters
7.65 on the left 308 on the right both loaded with 150 gr.
Last edited by john m; 15-01-2023 at 04:50 PM.
Velocity is thrilling,but diameter does the real killing.
I've got a 30/303 Ross rifle apart from the open sights issue, i.e me at a 100 yards it's iffy but at 50 holes through holes
Another redundant setup.
Old cartridge,full stock accuracy problems,old 4 power scope can't see the target.
POA was the black square lower right.
308 on right.
Velocity is thrilling,but diameter does the real killing.
I tried the 224 sabots in 3006.
Rubbish accuracy.
Shot one hare at 40m.
Impressed the rellies with their 22s.
Sent from my SM-A226B using Tapatalk
Still don't understand that rationale. The vest is only good if the person shooting at you is nice enough to shoot you in the vest, and even then anything you will likely find being used for deer in NZ will go straight through a standard Police-issue vest. I would be more concerned with the new fangled frangible lead-free hunting ammo designed to split into several chunks after penetrating a good amount. My understanding is that this type of ammo can end up without much in the way of useful stuff for the forensics as well. As far as sabots, shotgun slugs? Every test I've seen on those is fearsome levels of penetration...
There were accounts of the SV99 being used in Kosavo / Sarajevo with lethal effect against body armour and when it states 5.56 for calibre note that below it is 5.56LR (22LR) . Accuracy meant shot placement at the urban distances was able to 'bypass' body armour - Also worth noting the Russian military 22L ammo has a velocity approaching our 22WMR energy.And they wont sell it even if they were allowed to....
Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......
@Micky Duck, You're overthinking that a little - the only real part to it is the end part and then matching the bullet to the velocity required and the terminal performance needed. Then the bit about selecting the twist rate to stabilise and making sure the entire package is feasible and obtainable i.e. barrels in the required twist rate.
Example there is using a .22Hornet rabbit bullet in a high speed .22 centerfire is going to produce interesting results, explosive is one potential word. On the other hand, a .220 Swift varmint bullet makes a handy penetrating bullet in a .22Hornet, good for slipping into the neck/head of fallow and goats. Both barrels seem to run similar twist rates, the only real difference is horsepower behind the pill. The other 'fourth factor' missing from your list is barrel length, which governs how fast you can drive the pills everything else being equal.
No grey area. Refer to legislation which is very clear.
Enhanced penetration and discarding sabot ammunition are two separately prohibited ammunition types.
I see the Sabot restriction excludes shotgun rounds so you are allowed shotguns to be saboted rounds.
I like the ambiguousness of this one though...
Chemical or biological carrier ammunition (excluding projectiles for any device designed and intended solely for any medical, surgical, veterinary, scientific, agricultural, industrial, or other similar lawful purpose)
Banned unless you have a lawful purpose for it. So as long as you have a legal reason to use it, it is legal. (It does not say that you have to use it at all- just have a lawful use for it...)
Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......