My method of carry when close to animals is the half-bolt with my right hand flat on the side of the action and the bolt handle between my finger and thumb. The positive detent just helps to keep it in position where it can be silently turned down to the fire position. At all other times the rifle is carried with the bolt closed on an empty chamber. As a gunsmith with a year or two under my belt I have seen many reasons why you should not rely 100% on any safety catch! Properly done and finished, the removal of .020" off the face of the striker sear lug would not even be noticeable to any but the trained eye (with measuring equipment) and would not compromise the safety of the firearm in any way. Half-cock is totally different, relying on under-cut notches (bents) in the striker or hammer (depending on design) to prevent the trigger being pulled. That system is prone to failure (especially in older, worn firearms) and is inherently dangerous. Trying to lower a Lee-Enfield striker to half-cock (especially with cold or wet fingers) is fraught with danger!