Maybe your wearing it out?
Wooden stock arrived and action dropped in nicely. What have you guys found shoots well through your rifles? I've only tried a couple factory loads. Using corelockts at the moment. But not the most accurate.
Everything, just don't go over 62 grains bullet weight, they're a slow twist 1:12 from memory and won't stableise heavies. I used to hand load but the Belmont black 55 and 62 gave nothing away in accuracy and we're cheaper.
mine is a 1;10 got caught out as couldnt work out why other fellas were getting different/worse results. tight patch on cleaning rod will tell you what yours is.
biggest tip is only put 5 in mag not 6....they feed better.
50grn of pretty much any type should be your friend.
75/15/10 black powder matters