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Thread: Restrictions and conditions on an 'A' Category 50BMG?

  1. #76
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    You did, but in your post you also implied we would do it out of paranoia and to help us potentially get off a murder charge.
    Would you not want to get off, if you were charged with murder?

  3. #78
    Member kimjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Would you not want to get off, if you were charged with murder?
    Yes, who wouldn't...regardless of whether I did it, or not

  4. #79
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilli_Dog View Post
    One of the articles on the stop/go murder also said that they linked the guy to it through the serial number of the rifle, which had been recorded during a licence renewal
    Ok that's 1 case of were it has actually helped.... For the other 99.8% of us I believe it's a invasion of privacy purely on the grounds of guilty until proven innocent which is their status quo at the moment!!

  5. #80
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    You did, but in your post you also implied we would do it out of paranoia and to help us potentially get off a murder charge.
    +1 Beavis.

    I think someone's mangina is at that time of the month...... Guess who :-) :-)

    Just take it back it bit, may individual opinions and the right to live ones life as they see fit reign supreme!

  6. #81
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Would you not want to get off, if you were charged with murder?
    I can't say I really think about murdering people

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rock river arms hunter View Post
    Ok that's 1 case of were it has actually helped.... For the other 99.8% of us I believe it's a invasion of privacy purely on the grounds of guilty until proven innocent which is their status quo at the moment!!
    Yes, my only point was that it appears the Police have been building a register for some time. My personal opinion is that since it is not a legal requirement the vetting officer (or arms officer) should make it clear that it is voluntary to give serial numbers of A-cat firearms, not imply it is a legal requirement.

    Quote from NZ Herald "The crown allege that it was a bullet fired from a weapon that Winders was registered as owning when he went for his firearms licence in 2008."
    Taiaroa shooting: microscope key in revealing rifle's history - National - NZ Herald News

    From reading that, the serial number should have given them a little bit of circumstantial evidence at best, at worst its saying that any one of potentially hundreds of other rifles could have been the one.

  8. #83
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilli_Dog View Post
    Yes, my only point was that it appears the Police have been building a register for some time. My personal opinion is that since it is not a legal requirement the vetting officer (or arms officer) should make it clear that it is voluntary to give serial numbers of A-cat firearms, not imply it is a legal requirement.

    Quote from NZ Herald "The crown allege that it was a bullet fired from a weapon that Winders was registered as owning when he went for his firearms licence in 2008."
    Taiaroa shooting: microscope key in revealing rifle's history - National - NZ Herald News

    From reading that, the serial number should have given them a little bit of circumstantial evidence at best, at worst its saying that any one of potentially hundreds of other rifles could have been the one.
    "Murphy told the court it not only had the same shipment details but after analysing its serial number, they also had the same format and distinguishing features including marks from when it was pressed into the metal."

    How could they compare format and pressing marks of the serial number when they never recovered the firearm he owned? Did they analyse and record his rifle to that level of detail when it was imported? As you say, all it seems to show is that it could be a rifle from that manufacturer around that time. Not to mention that if his claim that it was stolen was true then whether it was the rifle he had owned or not wouldn't mean it was him that used it.

    Sounds flaky as hell based on what has been reported, presumably either the media are leaving things out or the other evidence must have been a lot stronger than that.
    veitnamcam likes this.

  9. #84
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    I am myself against an a cat gun registry. However ,what does the police do when they recover stolen property and find a rifle that has not been declared stolen or for which no serial number is referenced anywhere?

    Maybe a solution would be that each a cat owner have its own private and personal registry, mandatory . Police or AO authorised to look at it and take notes but not being able to seize it unless authorised by a judge during a criminal investigation.
    Also list of entries and exit of guns in that same little booklet. Of course that booklet would have to be well hidden so occasional thief does not put his hand on it.

    Also when implementing the system or renewing the licence, the person doing the check could simply look ( not write down)at guns serials numbers compared to what is in the owners note book and put his signature at the bottom of the page.
    It would be the cheapest form of registry, with the gun owners still having a good trust in the ( police and the policing ) system and the other way around.
    And that way when a gun is stolen, it would be easy for the owner to report it with its serial number. I know it does not stop a bad guy from grinding the serial number, but a lot of guns recovered still have their serial number visible.

  10. #85
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Yep it's been hijacked.

  11. #86
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    had mine renewed a few weeks ago
    all people who live here have current Fal's aswell my mum had hers renewed last year and my step-dad got his licence last year as well after us getting board of supervision
    the same guy done all 3 with mine he goes ive already viewed the safes and didn't even bother looking

    ive never been asked to open the safe net alone give out serials all that's ever been done is a quick wiggle to make sure its secured

    having said that I would't give a rats arse if they took my serials covers my arse if they get stolen or something I have nothing to hide and do everything byy the book anyway

    my mate had a real anal one and she asked him to open the safe then asked him to give her the serials he refused stating it wasn't a legal requirement of which she had no leg to stand on
    then asked him how he uses his guns and when he said hunting she quizzed him on where how what why etc

    I reckon there's anti gun people getting into roles to try and fuck us over be very careful and know the laws and your rights within them

  12. #87
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GravelBen View Post
    You've conveniently ignored the point about police acting outside the law.

    Do you have a problem with the police breaking the law to gather information outside their authority about law-abiding citizens?
    You keep ignoring questions like this @systolic , are you going to answer?
    Jexla likes this.

  13. #88
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    I wouldn't bother wasting your time.

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by GravelBen View Post
    You keep ignoring questions like this @systolic , are you going to answer?
    I don't have a problem with them asking for serial numbers. Even if they don't have a specific law saying they can.
    They never asked for mine when I renewed my gun licence a couple of years ago. Didn't even check the pistols.

    He spent more time talking to the girlfriend about natural medicine than looking at guns.

  15. #90
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    I don't have a problem with them asking for serial numbers. Even if they don't have a specific law saying they can.
    They never asked for mine when I renewed my gun licence a couple of years ago. Didn't even check the pistols.

    He spent more time talking to the girlfriend about natural medicine than looking at guns.
    Would you have an issue of them threatening to not approve somebodies security if they dont let them take the serial numbers?
    GravelBen, Tommy and Skatieguy like this.



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