Everytime I watch or read about Rhodesia, my urge to buy a FAL intensifies
I'm sure Vickers has a vid of him in the Russian army museum with a Mozambique captured Rhodesian FAL as well.
Welcome to Sako club.
My family links for that part of the world are more associated with this... being at the receiving end that is.
Welcome to Sako club.
2nd Boer War.
Colonial Lighthorse and Bushmanland Borderers.
Welcome to Sako club.
Yes, not nice to face well practiced riflemen with Mausers.
Great Grand Dad referred to his short NZ pattern MK1 or MK1* (not exactly sure) as a pom pom gun in the Radio NZ interview he had in 1974.
I have a CD of that, from Sound Archives NZ (or whatever the new name is).
Welcome to Sako club.
I can't make it public, as I acquired free of charge due to the family connection.
Will send to you as a private link.
Welcome to Sako club.