Why I went with a zero compromise 527.
More expensive than the ATACR in the states, but cheaper and on the shelf here in NZ.
Don't think I'll be adding another nightforce to my collection after owning a ZCO.
Why I went with a zero compromise 527.
More expensive than the ATACR in the states, but cheaper and on the shelf here in NZ.
Don't think I'll be adding another nightforce to my collection after owning a ZCO.
Using Tapatalk
This might not work for Australia given the advice post, but the YouPost service NZ Post does allows you to get an item delivered 'locally' in a country and then forwarded to you in NZ. I've used it from the States to parallel import electronics for personal use.
Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.
DED was ripping NZ shooters off too, just buy from Australia
Sooo, if DED was ripping us off, what are Hardy doing?
I have eight claw hammers and four ballpein hammers in my garage..I have ne need for an oversized and overpriced heavy scope...therefore this issue doesnt effect me...if you dont like the price,dont buy it...if enough folks dont buy it,it will no longer be offered forsale at all.
if you seriously want to fix the issue...price it out from overseas then go to retailer here in NZ and ask them to match your total cost,if the ywill you buy local,if not,you buy it overseas and hope it never fails.
75/15/10 black powder matters
The inflated sales pitch has often seen the loss of agencies in the NZ sporting goods trade, usually resulting in a higher priced product and greatly reduced sales. It happened to me a couple of times and the manufacturers would have been kicking themselves as a result as my annual orders were many times greater than the new agents.
I have worked extensively in the import business (not firearms, but tech), as both a retailer, a distributor and for a vendor (manufacturer). The cold hard truth is NZ sales amount to sweet fa of nothing. For most vendors operating in NZ is simply not worth it, and the NZ distees buy less than a typical single store in the USA. And that was in tech, not the firearms market where I suspect rules and regulations make it more difficult.
This in a nutshell explains the 'parallel importing' arguments that happen in NZ. It's by far cheaper for a NZ company to go overseas, purchase a bulk lot of a product at retail discount in country 'A' who moves more than the entire NZ annual consumption in a few days (and who is also geographically close to the manufacturer/lead distributor) and then box it up and freight forward privately to NZ. Often they are getting a higher spec product than what is presented locally by the approved distributor and at a significant discount, which allows them the luxury of either selling at a significant discount and moving bulk product undercutting the official channel, or selling a higher rated product at a slightly lower price and making more off each item. The issue comes from the integrity of the parallel importer and how they handle warranty issues...
From what I have witnessed generally the parallel importers FLEE, then the disgruntled owner approaches the local distributor who usually ends up resolving the issue out of there own pocket to "protect the brand". Manufacturers usually provide equipment at cheaper wholesale, and local distributor assumes the labor cost of providing warrenty service IF required for the product they stocked.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Some vendors load or discount (depending on how you view it) into regions. One I worked for loaded anything outside the USA with another 15%, which effectively encourages parallel importing. Some vendors discount the shit out of their product, like software in markets where piracy is rampant - if you look at the price of microsoft products in china it's absolutely insane (1/10th of the price here).
I have seen the wholesale price that retailers are buying for and the mark up is eye watering to say the least.