Are you living in 2005 still?
It used to be acceptable to pay more for products for the lifestyle but not anymore. Almost every person I know that had immigrated to NZ now regrets doing so as the place isn't what it used to be.
As far as paying "local prices" other than ammo, primers and powder you can get everything else imported.
If a local business relies on ripping off Kiwis then I'd rather support an overseas one.
I’m not ok with gouging. I work too hard for my money for gouging to be acceptable. The prices for Ziess and Swarovski on the mentioned website in Australia at first glance seem comparable with here, give or take a bit, exchange rate etc. but not NF, those prices are rude.
Hunting is a cheap hobby
Compared to most any form of motorsports or boating or travel etc etc
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Plus with scopes that are 'dual use' and have a military application a lot of countries have extremely strict export restrictions...