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Thread: Rossi R92 puma stainless 16inch

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Marlins are a lot easier to fit optics to if that is what floats your boat.
    But geez don't the 16" Rossi's with that nice rounded part on the bottom of the action carry well. That part fits in the hand beautifully and balances well

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    King Country
    Quote Originally Posted by llewelyn View Post
    Hey guys who has or has had a rossi puma lever as above?

    Are they ok or crap.

    Thinkin of one in 44mag or 357 mag for a bush cannon.
    I had an early 1980 357 Rossi. It kept breaking ejectors, even gunsmith made ones. It could have just been a Monday morning made carbine though. The difference in smack is incomparable to any 357 revolver length barrel. With a hefty dose of powder it would hurtle a 125gr lead bullet at 2000fps and penetrate 1/4" soft steel. I'm now the owner of the 44 mag version and have never suffered separated cases, ejector problems or anything else, except a carbine with half again the wallop of the 357. A fun gun, both of them.Reloading different bullets bumps that up greatly. Buy both...

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    King Country
    Quote Originally Posted by physeptone View Post
    I am a Marlin man--I've got three original JMs in 357, 44 and 45-70. The only problem is they are still in storage in the UK.....
    So, to assuage my lever cravings about 6 months ago I picked up a used 44 16in Rossi for $600 off TM. The intention was to play about with it until I get my Marlins, BUT I love this little thing!
    I don't know if the previous owner(s) played with the trigger but it is slick and as light as hell (yes, my trigger pull gauge is also in storage ��)
    It also has a lovely Marbles 'bullseye' sight set on it.
    I'm not selling this gun despite my plans at the outset now!

    So, if you can find one like mine, I'd recommend it. It's one of the 'newer' Taurus made models with a few of the bolt group bits blued rather than stainless like the bulk of the gun.
    Perhaps you could answer a question on the Marlin 336 in 3030 for me? The one I had, had a free floating trigger...the first pull of the trigger flapped helplessly to and fro and I'd never seen a gun do that before or after. Almost as if there was no spring present. A gunsmith bloke in Hawkes Bay assured me that "They all do that sir". Do they..?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by outlander View Post
    I had an early 1980 357 Rossi. It kept breaking ejectors, even gunsmith made ones. It could have just been a Monday morning made carbine though. The difference in smack is incomparable to any 357 revolver length barrel. With a hefty dose of powder it would hurtle a 125gr lead bullet at 2000fps and penetrate 1/4" soft steel. I'm now the owner of the 44 mag version and have never suffered separated cases, ejector problems or anything else, except a carbine with half again the wallop of the 357. A fun gun, both of them.Reloading different bullets bumps that up greatly. Buy both...
    I wonder if the extractor spring was giving it grief. Before I replaced mine it would throw a case meters away.
    Mind you not actually a massive spring but maybe enough to load up the extractor
    outlander likes this.



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