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Thread: RPA2000

  1. #1
    Member janleroux's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2019


    I am after some advice regarding RPA2000 rifles for TR (Target Rifle) class shooting. Good/bad? Any known issues to look out for?

    Looks like production stopped in 2016.


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    The RPA is on par with the Barnard actions great for TR it is what they were designed for
    a friend of mine shot one for years, The actions were about $1200 to $1600 in the 1990's
    You can't go wrong if the price is right only the barrel will wear out.
    janleroux likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Hawkes Bay
    I still have mine- built as a TR rifle which shot very well but later converted to an FTR rig which my son lost interest in. The CG-2000 RPA was the predecessor of the HHE Millennium built right here in Hawkes Bay. Very solid actions with short lock time due to the Belleville washer stack instead of a coil spring.

    The main thing to check is the lugs aren't badly galled. The lugs need to be kept greased to prevent this happening.
    janleroux likes this.



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