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Thread: Russian TOZ .22LR

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Taff View Post
    Sell one of the mags seperate its worth $100
    Really? Will see how it goes. Currently listed on trademe until next Tuesday.

    Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    I have one of these wee buggers -for 35+years now. 25ago had it fitted with a suppressor by Paulus Manders (before he retired),one of his own.that old girl has been a true russky,
    hard as the hobbs of hell,built like a t54 battle tank and 99%catholic in her taste for ammo.
    shes las euthanised many of my kids ailing or dying pets over the years -a we Pfft and bunny has past over etcetc -my bloody airrifle is like 155 mmhowitzer in comparison
    Got hold of some of those remington subs -they went off like a babies fart and had about as much impact!the single possum I nailed with them died from laughing I think as this lead thing bounced up to him like a gay bullfrog before smacking him in the swede.(headjob anyone).
    GSPF presently has the old girl on loan.stock was as rough as guts warped worse than Dolly Partons bust ,so i had a spare stirling semi auto stock in the cave -few beers bit of DIYRAG(do it yourself rough as guts) woodwork and shes back on the road.
    got two mags ,plus a third i rebuilt cause theyre as rare as rockin horse shit in NZ.
    last time i was muckin about with the .223 ,GSPF lines up over the bonnet of the gooserolla and proceeds to really make my shootin look stink.
    As i hoik him my best "f.....k you rub it in "glare ,im met with a dazzling smile and a nonchalant"a fine rifle this mr molly"
    yup ahumble pie in large doses was eaten by you know who!
    bbryce likes this.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    If anyone is interested it is listed in buy and sell section and trademe Cheers

    Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk



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