Give this a read it's a pretty good and in depth comparison of gun lubricants
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I've been using Frog Lube for over a year now and have yet to find one spec of rust on any of my firearms. It's an excellent product.
After reading Nathan Foster guide on gun maintenance, I use CRC metal sealer on the outside surface of my guns after a good clean and CRC long life on the inside of the tube. On the outside , you can also use CRC Lanacoat for longer time storage, you will never see rust grow on it.
Another thing I believe, is that the aluminium from rings, mounts and scope must have a reaction with the steel of the rifle and make it rust more easily.
One of the best tests around.
I used to swear by Eezox....
+1 for Froglube now
For inside the gun safe the only way to go is a heater (light bulb, tube heater etc).
I purchased a few of the cheap M10 dehumidifyers and a Remington one and they are close to useless, they just don't have the capacity to absorb bugger all and change colour with days and you are forever recharging them.
I have a tube heater on a thermostat in my safe and it maintains the inside temp above dew point and no longer do I get any rust signs. The first signs used to be a whitish mould starting on the wood work of my older guns before any signs of metal corrosion. All good now.
Last edited by zimmer; 29-06-2015 at 09:23 AM.
I bought a couple of bore socks, no rust.
Protective Gun Cases Silicone Treated - Bore Stores
I use several of the mitre 10 rechargeable dehumidifiers. These are basically the same as the Remington ones but a fraction of the price
It sounds like you have a humidity problem which compounded with the use of innox won't Hellas it's a very "light" oil and is not meant for firearm storage
I make up "eds red" and add some lanolin for extra rust protection.
Not only is it a good carbon remover it also proves to be excellent for long term storage when you add some lanolin
My recipes is
1 part ATF dextron3 automatic transmission fluid
1 part low odour kerosene
1 part turps
You can also add acetone but it eats plastic and varnish so I leave it out
For long term preservative add lanox or lanolin as required
The other long term preservative if you can't stop the rusting would be "barricade" or lee Allox bullet lube diluted with mineral turps as Allox is basically cosmoline as used by the military for rust prevention. However you would need to wipe it off before use using turps or thinners
Good luck combating the moisture!
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Went and purchased a LockDown tube heater this morning and have installed(amazing how hot it gets). I have also sealed the safe door a lot better with foam so the heat stays in there. Fingers crossed this is the answer............ I will report back in a few weeks with the results.
I started putting all my firearms in my safe in VCI bags about 5 years ago and also use VCI Emmitters in my safe . No rust and VCI protection last about 1-2 years . Real easy just clean my firearms as normal Lightly oil with KG4 then into the bags with a reusable tie to seal it . If I am going hunting for a few days I leave my rifle in the VCI bag in my gun bag or case .
BREAK FREE has always worked for me no matter where or how cold my rifles have got. did poke extention lead through vent into cabinet and hung a 15wt light in there for a time till bulb blew, it kept them warmer but didn't notice any difference to how well they stayed rust free.
I remember talking to the Inox general manager when he came over from Aussie to visit our supply depot. I remember him saying that they had an issue with Inox and emulsifying cutting oil and rust. People were hosing down lathe chucks and tools with Inox and getting rust on the sprayed gear. I wonder if its reacting with any left over oil in the metal? Sorry but I cant remember exactly what he said as it was 11 years ago now but it was an oddball that had them stumped for a while. If you email them they may be able to tell tou what might be the issue.
Yep, here it is in their website. INOX-MX3 for Engineering - Inox Lubricants
Your not using steel wool to remove rust are you? That can inbed itself into the satin finish of some stainless steels.
Frank can hook you up with so,e good oil.
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