Until now, I never bothered with a sling on my hunting rifle. Just flipped it from hand to hand during walk-ins and stalks. As I've got older and less stable, I've felt the need to have both hands free at times, especially on slopes, and started looking for something that would allow that, whilst still carrying the rifle in a reasonable ready position. Found the Safari Sling and bought one. Used it for the first time in the Haurangis last week and absolutely loved it. Worked as advertised when I needed to come up into the aim, the rear cradle dropped away behind the butt and the front fell clear of the scope. Nice broad webbing over my shoulder caused no pressure points and I was able to adjust the carry to front vertical when I needed to use both hands or to get through high scrub.
Mine is this one from these guys:
Lovely bit of our country.
Cheers, Ray