I have a sako a7 in 270 wsm I bpught the rifle second hand with an unknown round count at agood price, currently it still shoots tiny little bug hole groups under 1/2 moa with hand loads, so far so good.
However eventually like all magnum calibers I'm sure it'll burn out and I'll be up for a re barrel (no problem)
I have a near new finnlight barrel sitting on my bench, it appears to be the same profile, it is the same length other than being fluted it looks identical to my a7 barrel even the writing on the barrel is the same
Am I right to assume that it should be a easy swap and just a matter of getting the old barrel removed, the finnlight barrel fitted and getting the head space checked (obviously a gunsmith job) ?
Has anyone done this ? Is there any reason it won't work ? Anything else I need to consider ?