I have a short action Sako AII.
Thinking of a new stock, (maybe)
Other than a Mc Millan what are the options?
I have a short action Sako AII.
Thinking of a new stock, (maybe)
Other than a Mc Millan what are the options?
I Have Sexdaily. I mean Dyslexia! Fcuk!
I'll watch replies with interest, for an option to replace my 75 IV action stock.
Welcome to Sako club.
Watching also. Wouldn't mid a thumbhole stock. Not sure how wanky it would look
Since the older Sako actions (591?? whatever) are very similar to the Howa 1500, I'd imagine you could make them fit in a stock inletted for a Howa with some work.
Otherwise, buy a McMillan
Oversize bolt knob is function based. Also his comment was purely about how it would look.
They do make the bolt function very well but in a hunting rifle they are a real pain as they catch on everything they come in contact with ie: bush, clothing, packs etc
1000yds is fun, 1500yds is getting interesting, 2000yds is exciting, 2500yds will blow your mind
About midway down is the Sako 75 Hunter and a bit further is a Sako Thumbhole which could do with a Leathel paint job
McMillan Hunting Stocks, McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, Synthetic Stocks, Hunting & Sport Stocks
HighTech Specialties make inlet for the older Sako rifles. Norway had one on a Forrester for his Budget LR Rifle build. I've just been quoted $307USD shipped to NZ.
Norway's Rifle.
We can do the stocks, just tell me what you want and will see what I can do
Yup. We got that mate