@Seventenths there ya go bud , sure the new owner wont mind
I’m gutted I was too slow
They were/are a beautiful rifle
Given the age, thats got to be 11/10 - mines 9.5/10 and have now got it shooting, as you'd expect, - like a f*#king laser
Thanks for the pic's.
Just to put you non owners at ease, they suck, rust at the slightest mention of rain. Only like little pills. Not as powerfull as a .223 and if you want to supress them you end up with the guilts. They are safe queens at best and as most owners attest every time you take them hunting they devalue.
So glad i sold mine.
over priced / over rated, a tikka with a wood stock and 5 kg of shitty varnish...phew
Nah Sarvo not ment as a vitriol comment at all, more tongue in cheek than anything . I appreciate a fine rifle as well as the next guy. I love .222's to bits. The vixens do have flaws i just think they get forgotten with all the "hype"
Yes they have many fine features as well, and probably more manufacturers should try to emulate some of their better characteristics.
In selling mine I made a profit of 1 thousand dollars ... hardly cause for angst, I enjoyed using it but, it was time for a more utalitarian replacement.
Many of these "finer" examples may never see the light of day or the caress of a light breeze across their fine stocks, that is up to the owner.,
Lucky, thanks for the photos as it sure is a beauty.
Johnd, you do have a point but each owner uses them as they see fit. I use mine whenever I can as there such a gem to carry & use.
Good luck to the new owner & hopefully they do get to take it out & bloody it!
What's all the fuss about, it's just a crappy Sako.
I'm gonna drag that Vixen into my basement with some power tools and make a snuff film.
"Argh!!! Don't cut off my knob!!"...
"Not a Stug stock!!! Anything but a Stug stock, please!!! It burrrrns!!!" @stug
Last edited by Frodo; 06-06-2019 at 02:00 AM.