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Thread: For sale: Sako PPC 22mm rifle

  1. #16
    Member specweapon's Avatar
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    Mod needs to kill this thread

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Roger that specweapon.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Bell Block NZ/Northern Alberta Canada
    Well that went south,
    I agree this thread should be killed or at least the hissing and scratching deleted.
    I am somewhat interested in this rifle, however, photo's are very poor, and parts are missing, owner has stated viewing, but has no location. and has failed to provide a price when asked.
    I have just bought a sako 6ppc HB, repeater In Canada, as new condition, with match grade Redding dies,($200) Wilson body dies, and 450 brass, ($1.50 each) kreiger match grade barrel, and proven <..250-.300 capable, pd $1800 cad, (NZ $2200) great price, would have pd more, but guy wanted it to go to someone, just starting out competing, so cut me a deal. did take 7 years to find one thought.

    Suzie, Your fathers rifle is quite desirable, to a very small percentage of shooters, it condition, and especially the missing trigger guard, (that may be imposable to source), have reduced the value considerably, and reduced the percentage, who might be interested further,
    I wouldn't be prepared to pay, any thing close, to what a new M85 sako .223 varmint, could be bought for, (probably not, what you want to hear) I suspect, most others likely feel the same.
    I am going to see, if I can source a trigger guard, and would be interested in viewing, and better quality pictures,
    If there are any components' (brass, Bullets, powder) and reloading tooling, I would be interested in them, likey as will others.

    7mmsaum likes this.

  4. #19
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossi.45 View Post
    ..... going by how the butt pad has been put on, the rust, trigger guard missing its not been looked after . . . what a shame.
    The butt pad is almost certainly an aftermarket adjustable one that many competition shooters used. The raised position as shown in the seller's picture was normally used for the prone position. The pad was usually dropped down to it's lowest position when shooting standing.

    Finding an original trigger guard would be very, very difficult but there is no reason why an alternative close copy couldn't be made by a good machinist. From memory, it's basically the same as a Sako AI .222 without the extension for the magazine floor plate.
    Suze likes this.

  5. #20
    308 is offline
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    Hi Suze, as you are new here I should point out the section saying "Posting sale items- a guide" states that people selling are expected to put up a price that they are willing to sell at

    Good luck with your sale
    Suze likes this.

  6. #21
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    Oct 2016
    Hi southern man, I am going to take the rifle to hunting and fishing for their gunsmith to give a condition report. There only reason I put the reserve at $7000 on trademe was because I wanted to see how much interest was generated, not to sell it. I really am after reasonable offers, knowing how rare this item is, but well aware of its condition. The photos don't do the rifle justice and will see if I can get better ones up. I am not after big money, more that I want it to go to someone who appreciates this weapon for what it is, my father cherished this gun, and yes in the last two years of his life he wasn't able to care for it properly, but doesn't mean he never did. I. Have the ppc shells and reloading gear. My understanding is that Sako in Finland can source parts.

  7. #22
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    Location is Dunedin, nz

  8. #23
    Member rossi.45's Avatar
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    i suggest you learn to understand the English language and leave out the over emotional reference about your father, who nodoubt would turn over in his grave if he saw how his rifle was treated . . . if you remember i tried to help you with suggestions on getting REAL expert advice about the rifles condition, not the hillbilly relative that you have used. Getting decent images of the rifle so people could judge for themselves and bid accordingly.

    you cant fix stupid . . . good luck
    von tempsky fan and Tommy like this.
    without a picture . .. it never happened !

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suze View Post
    Location is Dunedin, nz
    Hi, there is a gunsmith up this way who imported a few of these years ago for target shooters. If you want to make contact with him for advice or appraisal P/M me.
    Maca49 and Suze like this.

  10. #25
    Member 300_BLK's Avatar
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  11. #26
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    Wow you really don't stop do you Rossi. Tell you what, why don't you learn to spell before telling me to learn the English language. It's spelt "selling" not "saling". And now you are insulting my relative, a hillbilly you say. For your information he was a weapons expert in the armed forces. I suggest you shut your mouth, stop acting like a child who hasn't gotten his own way, stop insulting me and my family, and stop making accusations to, of what you know nothing about.
    systolic likes this.

  12. #27
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suze View Post
    I will lay a complaint with this site.

    Hi. This is "this site" speaking. Please stop reporting posts and requesting people be deleted. Also, please post items for sale in the correct forum section next time, and if you have a read of this and follow the suggestions, you may find more sympathy forthcoming from our direction. Have a lovely day.



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