If you are really set on long range shooting, the first best investment you could make upfront, would be in any of Nathan Fosters books, or even all five of the set. Maybe if you don't want to get the whole set, start with 'The practical guide to long range shooting'.
While it may seem like an easy option, it is a fairly demanding discipline, buying the good gear only gets you so far, and then you have to put some hard yards. Doing your homework by reading the above is a starting point. Having read the suggested literature, you will be much more informed about the reality of your ambitions. You will be able to make an informed decision on whether you want to pursue such ambitions, and if you do decide to proceed, you will do so in an informed way.
Just use the 308 for the live stuff(deers).308 Very cheap to
Are you planning on going from nothing to 338 lapua?