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Thread: Scope change on my .308. Input welcome.

  1. #16
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Nice and simple 3-9 on both my rifles, the second hand Bushnell I picked up on here for $400 has better clarity than the Redfield that came with my 22-250 but both do what I want at a price I can afford. Sure better scopes exist and one day the Bushnell will go to the 22-250 and the .308 will get something else, but that's probably a couple of years away at least.

    3-9 was the go to for years for a lot of hunters.
    Trout likes this.
    Happy Jack.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Okawa Hawkes Bay
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    Or go more simple a Leupold 2x7 they type of Leupold doesn't matter to me. Never had really top end scopes and the lower end haven't let me down. Bottom end of 2 or 3x is ideal in the bush and 7 or 9x is more than enough for the occasional 2_300yard shot that comes up. You already have the open country longer range but sorted.
    Greetings @Micky Duck and all,
    My thoughts exactly. I was going to suggest a 4x32 fixed power scope for the west coast bush hunting mentioned by the OP. I se others have followed your lead.
    Micky Duck and Twodiffs like this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    The Pulsar is a nightmare to set up...for me anyway.
    Working out how to go through the menu and set up profiles for zeroing at 100m, 200m etc. Bloody hard to do at the range when you take shots and have to step back from the bench after everyone has their shots. I ended up taking it into R&R in Rangiora and they set it up at 100m.

    The first thing I had to do with these rifles was go to the range to find out where my BIL had them zeroed at. The Creedmoor is set at zero stop for maybe 4 inches high at 100m, it's around 1-2 inches high at 200.

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