Have added the red dot to my current rig, as x4.5 is a bit high for the close stuff. Currently a proof of concept/trial at the moment using a cheap chinese mount.
Anyone know where a quality mount could be sourced without importing?
Have added the red dot to my current rig, as x4.5 is a bit high for the close stuff. Currently a proof of concept/trial at the moment using a cheap chinese mount.
Anyone know where a quality mount could be sourced without importing?
Last edited by mawzer308; 22-07-2020 at 03:17 PM.
I have seen a few on aliexpress but they look pretty average tbh. They have exactly what I'm after on Amazon etc, but will require export permits etc which I can't be bothered with.
Have you considered an offset mount that will put the red dot sight on a 45 degree angle to the side of the scope?
Not so top heavy and allows you to have both ootics at the same level?
Never tried one but there are a few places selling them in nz