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Thread: scope suggestions for 22 mag

  1. #1
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    scope suggestions for 22 mag

    Now I have the new 22 mag I need a suitable scope to fit.
    I was thinking along the lines of a 3-9x40 . That should be an ok mag range for that rifle considering some longer shots on rabbits ?
    I have seen some vortex 3-9x40 scopes on the yellow site advertised new for just over $200 .
    I have used those before and found them an ok scope but a little blurry at longer ranges on smaller objects.
    I have no experience with the base model leupolds but I am a fan of the brand.
    How would a second hand loopy in something like a freedom or vx1 or 3 compare to the vortex ?
    I cannot afford a flash scope so would be looking at something like the vortex or a second hand loopy or something along those lines....

    Any suggestions...or insight in to the base (cheap) loopy scopes ?
    born to hunt - forced to work

  2. #2
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    buy 2nd hand loopy and you CANT go wrong....base model 3x9x40mm will be more than enough...hells bells thats whats been on my main firearms for last 20 years.
    9x is more than enough to shoot hare at 150 yards.
    veitnamcam, timattalon and Ftx325 like this.

  3. #3
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Cheap vortex are like looking fhrew a cokebottle.
    Mate got a freedom for his 223 and is very impressed with it for the price.
    Id recommend a leupold any day but just make sure its not a fake if buying second hand.
    Steve123, Micky Duck and Ftx325 like this.
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  4. #4
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    I bought a used Burris Fullfield 11 3x9- 40 for under $200 not so long ago. The equal of a bottom priced Leupold any day of the week. Might be worth a look.
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  5. #5
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    Burris are good scopes for your dollar -impressed by one I had a while back. 3-9x40 ideal for magnum on hares - mine sits on about 5-6 power and never moves from it.

    However if you will also be doing 100 meter range shooting with the magnum a 4-12x could be better. Greater ability to quarter the 1" orange dots more precisely means better accuracy.
    6x47 and Ftx325 like this.

  6. #6
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    in my mind the perfect scope would be 2-12 mag with a graduated drop reticule , as I will most likely be using several ammo weights/speeds and shooting up close possum (possible subs), medium distance goats ( heavy projectile) and longer range bunnies (light/medium weight) with good light gathering ... Aaannd zero stop , side focus , a built in laser range finder which automatically alters scope for range and projectile , gold plated turret covers and in-built beer fridge ... all for $50 .......
    born to hunt - forced to work

  7. #7
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    I've got a few scopes lying around here if you just want something to get you going while you wait for the right deal to turn up.?
    charliehorse and Ftx325 like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  8. #8
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    I've got a few scopes lying around here if you just want something to get you going while you wait for the right deal to turn up.?
    Thanks for the offer @veitnamcam but I do have an old killwell on there at the moment but it doesn't do the rifle any justice .
    I have seen a few older second hand loopys for sale but still being twice the price of something new like the vortex I don't want to be spending the money to discover it is no better a product .
    I still haven't been able to take the rifle out for some shots yet so thought if I can locate a scope I can afford before sighting in the killwell it will save me a few dollars in ammo .
    And I would really like a graduated reticule and my other rifles have loopy's on board so would be nice to have a matching set..... again just don't know if the cheap loopy's are actually any better than the vortex and the like and worth the extra dosh.
    Just be nice to get it all sorted ready to go ...
    born to hunt - forced to work

  9. #9
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    does anyone know is there any difference between a leupy VXIII AND A VX3 ?
    I would assume it's the III is an older scope but are there any physical differences between the two such as lense coatings etc....?

    or is it just a box label thing..
    Last edited by Ftx325; 03-03-2021 at 04:52 PM.
    born to hunt - forced to work

  10. #10
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    VX freedom line is better than the VX1 or 2, so I'd look for one of them if you can.

    VXIII I think is an older model vs a VX3i which is the newer ones? I think the newer ones have better glass, different reticle options and the newest ones had ZL-CDS turrets
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  11. #11
    Member Waldo Peens's Avatar
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    I have a Minox Z3 3-9 on the 77/22 and that does the job plenty good out to 100m. Makes one nice big hole as long as I use the nice ammo and do my part.

    3-9 will ne plenty useful.

    Or splash out and get a 1-8 ;-)
    Ftx325 likes this.
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  12. #12
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ftx325 View Post
    Now I have the new 22 mag I need a suitable scope to fit.

    Any suggestions...or insight in to the base (cheap) loopy scopes ?
    My view is that don't get too hang up on the brand.

    You need to take into account these things -

    * what range will you be shooting? Some high end 22Mag can accurately go out to 150m, but most cannot. Most 22mag I heard will only do 3 MOA. Way too coarse for rabbits beyond 100m I think.
    * do you intend to shoot free hand a lot? if so, big magnificent is needed to shoot accurately at long distance. I shoot free hand 100% and use x16 myself, I would not go below x12. On my 17hmr I use x18.
    * if you shoot with big magnifications, then you will probably need to adjust focus. You get better convenience with side focus, but pay more over AO. some x12 scopes do not have focus adjustments. I think they are OK for bigh game but not good for small game where you will mostly shoot around 50-80 metres.
    * You don't need high end glass for rabbit shooting. You will probably be using spot light after dark, so it is not like you need super clear glass with 95% transmission / no flare / no CA / super clarity at 600 metres. I have done a lot of possum shooting with a cheap Hawke scope, because I always use spot light with it and always shooting with 100m, glass quality has never affected this kind of shooting.
    * do you care about weight? the biggest advantage of getting leupold is actually light weight. Nothing else about Leupy stands out at the low end compared to competition (until you go up to VX5HD or VX3 EFR, then there are some optical or mechanical advantage). Most people dont need super light weight shooting rabbit because you simply do not need to hike for hours or with other things in your back pack. My main rabbit gun is a heavy barrel 10/22 with a x16 30mm tube scope with side focus. it is heavy, but it never bothered me.

    Hawke has a 4-16 scope which you can get feature for about 450 bucks. It is a low end brand but for low end scope it offers better value than higher end brands.
    HandH and Ftx325 like this.

  13. #13
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ftx325 View Post
    does anyone know is there any difference between a leupy VXIII AND A VX3 ?
    I would assume it's the III is an older scope but are there any physical differences between the two such as lense coatings etc....?

    or is it just a box label thing..
    VX3 has better coating and better gas inside, otherwise it is the same.

    the generations go like this

    Varix III -> VX III -> VX3 -> VX3i -> VX3HD

    Each new gen has some upgrades. VX3HD has already came out in the US. Should get here soon.
    Cordite likes this.

  14. #14
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Ditto as per Ultimitsu post.
    This chart is getting a bit out of date now.
    Name:  Leupold Scope Generations.jpg
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Size:  1.38 MB
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  15. #15
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Gun City are advertising a couple of versions of the vx3hd now....
    born to hunt - forced to work



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