As above. I mix about 2% of terrabine with thinned boiled linseed oil. Still a slow process. A little each couple of days and well rubbed before next very light application. Not to be a hurried job.
As above. I mix about 2% of terrabine with thinned boiled linseed oil. Still a slow process. A little each couple of days and well rubbed before next very light application. Not to be a hurried job.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
In france there is a product called Sicatif which is used to speed up the drying of the linseed oil.
Also, there is a tree root, dark red in apparence mixed with the boil linseed to give it a red/ dark tin. It is called orcanette.
Thanks team some excellent suggestions there. I have decided to keep it simple and have sourced some tru-oil. I’ll post pics when the whole thing is done.
Look up the truoil armourall recipe
You might be surprised
Truoil will be all good, I HIGHLY recommend thinning with lacquer thinner for the sealing coats. Help it get in deep.
And de-whisker very well, or first time you take it out in the rain it will turn into a furry mess. Believe me…
Nimrods' recipe
0ne part boiled linseed oil.
One part turps
One part Cabots polyurethane.
Turps thins it out. Soaks in rapidly then evaporates leaving linseed poil and polyurethane impregnated in wood.
This recipe is taonga so ask RK permission to use it.