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Thread: seized suppressor

  1. #46
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    shot two taking home 1 1/2-
    tis me
    westcoast bloody irish both sides of the grey river -capiche racing redlegs?when ya gonna come have a squizz at the new hacienda??
    Must do that.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    consider it sorted .time details TBC. actually busier than a one armed cocky in a milkinshed at mo -tryin to get old place tidied up -goes on market next week as well as keep track on new house which we get to own end of this month
    /$500,0000,00 xmas present -fucking unusual
    worked me arse off from 0800 this morning as new boundary fence is a 1/4 acre berlin wall clone.
    built me a stepladder out of recycled decking ,but after it wasnt exactly 100%easy ,ive put a ladder on our side -bolted to posts and my4.5 m ali ladder on new house side .
    still need to be like a gymnast in an orgasm to get over.
    stinkin N Wester saw me wet with sweat ,and tireder than a bitch on heat in a dog pound.whilst working arse off waitng for txt to confirm im workin on PM shift at hospital as agreed last evening.
    245pm-nothing so tidied up
    inside .mrs says go have a lie down youre buggered ya bedrooms cooler.
    wake up 4.10pm mate arrives crack a cold can and 4.30pm my agency rings could i go to work - NUP had a beer and If bosses cant sort shit out ,Im not paid to do their job.
    silly bint at hospital spoke to me 9pm last night and asked me -I okd it subject to her liasing with agency and booking me today.
    If that cant be sorted at managerial level -their fucking problem.
    watched ABs vs japan -interesting game lots of good shit ,though the result inevitable .judging by the tier 3 al lblack forward pack ,Im not suprised if some of Nzs mothers have arthritis of the fanny cause theyre bloody big units!
    Off to the fart sack -stinkin norwester is still blowin -got bad juju about overnight -button down the hatches -i suspect this blowjob is gonna be extarordinary!



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