Until recently semi-autos were legally used and popular in NZ. Perhaps he is asking a knowledgable base a legitimate question. I personally know a lot of hunters who used semi's even though not my cup of tea.
Until recently semi-autos were legally used and popular in NZ. Perhaps he is asking a knowledgable base a legitimate question. I personally know a lot of hunters who used semi's even though not my cup of tea.
As mentioned he says he lives in Germany but the link is Aussie. My bullshit meter is tweaking near max with this one![]()
Troll alert
Of course it is possible this could be the 2nd time I've been wrong in my life![]()
If its a robot maybe it could use one of those semis the storm troopers used
A study was once done comparing Germans to Brits, Germans laughed at a wider range of jokes, conclusion being they have a better sense of humor. The Brit would of course defend himself and say he has a better developed sense of humour, but that still leaves him with a sourpuss face for more of the day.
Here's a wee summary: https://www.dw.com/en/tea-and-royalt...its/a-50840484
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Just don't mention the war...
A good job and a good wife has been the ruin of many a good hunter.