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Thread: Service Rifle AR

  1. #16
    res is offline
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    Yea,a 20 comes into it's own for the longer shoots if your into that. But most club shoots around the country are 300m and under so don't feel you need a 20" to play or win.

    You also have to consider if it's your only ar and if your going to use it for other things-most people with a sr class ar have another for hunting/3gun. If your only going to have one ar(yea right-they multiply like rabbits) I personally wouldn't make it conform to sr class rules as open/tactical are large and growing classes and having free float hand guards etc really helps for busting bunnys,goats etc-don't forget that sr class also governs what ammo you can use so if you just want to load/buy one load and sight in for it for hunting as well as range play your going to be in open even if your rifle is 100% service class.

    There is no need to over think it- build/buy the gun you want and you will be very welcome at service events-at club level the classes matter very little to most people. Shoot and have fun
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  2. #17
    Shut up and Shoot
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    I thought I would wade in on this one. A mid length gas system would not necessarily put you in open class. When we wrote the rules the mid length gas system was quite uncommon, so SMC needs a revamp as we try to be inclusive rather than exclusive. If we apply the advantage rule and say is it an advantage over the best setup gun in the class (Probably a 20' barreled HBAR) then the answer is definitely no it is not so by that rationale it would be fine.

    We are seeing a lot more chaps turning up with carbines and an Aussie won with one a few years back and renown SR shooter Gedz is currently harvesting medals like the Jamaican Sprint team whenever he turns up with his carbine. That said the 20 inch offers better velocity which equals less wind drift and the rifle length gas system is softer shooting than either carbine or mid length. So build what you like and remeber is not the gun its the nut behind the butt.
    dogmatix likes this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    All good information - just trying getting my around this stuff. Anyone running a lightweight barrel?

  4. #19
    res is offline
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    I'm sure people are but weight helps keep you on target
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