I need to put shims in the rings for a tactical scope I'm fitting because I can't wind the drop any further. I'm confused! It's shooting 0.6" high of the bull's eye. Do I put a shim in the front or rear ring?
I need to put shims in the rings for a tactical scope I'm fitting because I can't wind the drop any further. I'm confused! It's shooting 0.6" high of the bull's eye. Do I put a shim in the front or rear ring?
Where is your scope adjusted to, for the .6 high impact.
Is it at full up adjustment ?
Full down adjustment ?
Centred for adjustment ?
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Yeah I've tried everything. Same rings work fine with a different scope. this scope is a Leupold VXII 6-18 w tactical turrets. I've even sent it to Leupold for new mildot reticle and servicing so it should all be sweet. Shimming seems the only option left and I think it should work fine.
Aah full adjustment up. So Any adjustment will make it shoot higher on the target
If you want to raise your point of impact shim the rear to lower shim the front
Shldnt that be shim the back ?? If he cant "move the shot up" any more it means the horizontal reticle bar is fully down ...
That being the case, he needs to lift up the rear of the scope to alleviate the problem ...
I might be wrong , maybe I'm the one whos got it arse about ...
in any case, its now dinner time ...
Shim the rear
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Have you tried lapping the rings ?
Theres a forum Lapping Kit somewhere ..
I Shimmed a scope ring once on advice from someone on the the forum .... I used a sliver of coke can .... worked a treat ...
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