Was out the other night on the bike shooting a few rabbits around the neighbourhood and when I shot I heard a clang sound somewhat like a ricochet and I missed the target by about 1m. Not great shooting considering it was only about 15m range. What the f!#k I thought and immediately thought of the suppressor and checked it to find it had come loose and I could feel a burr on the outside of the hole in the end. Tightened it up after checking I could see light through the end and continued to shoot a couple more rabbits with no problems although range was only 30 -40m.
Quick questions:
1. Is it likely to affect accuracy greatly, rifle is a .17HMR?
2. Am I likely to need to replace the Suppressor or do I just need to turn the hole out slightly to tidy it up ?
3. I am picking if I need to do the above a.22cal hole in the end should remove all the damage but would it still be effective as a suppressor for this rifle?
Has anyone any similar experiences?