No history involved in this Colt CRP 16. Just some money, some practicality and time spent(now wasted) importing and developing.
[img]IMG_0148 by Sneeze again, on Flickr[/img]
[img]IMG_0151 - Copy by Sneeze again, on Flickr[/img]
No history involved in this Colt CRP 16. Just some money, some practicality and time spent(now wasted) importing and developing.
[img]IMG_0148 by Sneeze again, on Flickr[/img]
[img]IMG_0151 - Copy by Sneeze again, on Flickr[/img]
Absolutely criminal. There should be laws about eradicating history like this. To think it survived a world war but can't survive the fascists running this shit show. The horse and her lot would not even have any understanding of the significance of this firearm and the values it helped fight for. They need to remind themselves,sorry educate themselves, what our forbears fought for. It sure as shit wasn't what we have going on now. Can you get a collectors licence.
Gun control is using both hands
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Yes - well on a positive note - I will most likely do financially a lot better than TM sale
Will it pass as 90% - I imagine yes as its only fired 7 shots and is unmarked condition
Will they take a factory valuation into account - time will tell
Values up at 4-4500 US$$ on Guntrader etc
Will let you know result - hope not to be seen on National News media
So - yes both my hand ins will reward me $$ wise over what I paid - BUT - it still does not take that bitter taste away for the unnecessary destruction of ones property - by "knee jerk" law enforcement !!!
She would have no idea what happened back then or what it was about much less how a rifle like this helped win a war. It would all just be in her war is bad folder. The fact she passed on the D Day commemorations says it all. The fact that millennials didn't crucify her for it shows where the future generations are are at.
MacArthur said people would try to rewrite what happened during WWII and he will be proven right.
Gun control is using both hands
I sent it to Mike Hosking last Friday morning - but unsure if it got to air as I had to leave the radio for town.
I sent after Nash was saying these rifle are ALL designed for one thing and one think only - and that is to kill people.
So - my txt (with 1 photo of BAR) I asked
"Peter here Mike - tell me this is a human killer. A work of art and will be ground up "
i would send it to mike lynch at the same station, apparently he called the ban fiasco "lip service"