Good ammo is probably the best thing to help accuracy.
People seem to only feed them cheep shit ammo.
Good ammo is probably the best thing to help accuracy.
People seem to only feed them cheep shit ammo.
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yep its funny how such a crappy rifle in some peoples opinion has so many accessories available ill start buying a couple of things for it once I put a timney in my mauser the stuff im looking at buying is a stock a shell deflector and a some kind of rail to mount possibly the side mount as it wont move around at the moment all ive done to it is a bolt buffer
Holy shit your posts are hard to read when there's no punctuation! I've recently fitted my SKS with an ATI Monte Carlo stock, optic mount and reflex sight.
Will be taking it for a bit of a walk over the long weekend.
been looking at sight options I might go for a tech sight on the rear I think 1.5 moa is really pushing it but you have to set goals so you have something to aim for one thing that probably limits the accuracy that I can see is how its held into the stock its kind of clamped in and floats around a bit
Any sight that is mounted to the receiver cover, or the gas tube will do nothing to help improve the accuracy of the SKS, due to the inherent play in those parts.
the tech sight uses the rear receiver cover hole which goes through the receiver as well so it should be pretty stable how do you find the monte stock stretch did it fit straight in
The metalwork fitted straight into the Monte Carlo stock. The gas tube handguard was a different story. Had to use a centerpunch to take the metal end cap off the hand guard, trim the plastic a bit, refit the metal end cap and reinsert the bent and deformed pin.
which pin was it that must be why you see some skss still with the wooden top wood still on them
The lower is drilled and tapped on both sides but a van choate mount doesn't fit, till I find or make one that does the receiver cover one will do nicely.
The extra 2 inches of pull the stock gave improved accuracy anyhow. Yep the wood is still on the gas tube but as I got the stock 3rd hand it had gone awol. Anyhow I think the wood is a nice touch.
My set up.. used shitty webcam to try take pics of it. But hopefully you get the idea. Works really well for me. P.S my shell deflector is taken off in the picture
Shoot guns, Not heroin!
those pics look good on your one s-k ive seen where they drill and tap the front of the mount you have under the roll pin to hold the mount better ive done the mauser trigger so im on to the sks now first im taking some of the creep out and smoothing it up
here it is before ive done anything to it