yes Sids bivy I wonder what shape that is in or burnt down like so many others in Te Urewera - there were two more in that country Otaunoa up the Manganuiohau on true left - that will be the stream you dropped into on your way over to lake - then Mangatoatoa bivy it was over towards the farmland (Mangaone station) there was a track from Mangaone station to Mangatoatoa bivy and the onto Otaunoa bivy and on again to the Waiau river - another track went from Mangatoatoa bivy to the lake by Waipaoa hut southern end of lake - still be there but not maintained for years- old permolat marked tracks - the last time I saw Mangatoatoa bivy it was in bad way but Otaunoa we did up must have been 1995 - those bivys put in by NZFS for goat control in sixties