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Thread: Social influencers/bloggers/utubers and the effect they have on our sports

  1. #46
    Apparently the 2 biggest cunts on here lol Philipo's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mm300wby View Post
    Mickey I'd be more concerned about guys on internet forums that don't no when to shut up than any effect you tube may have on young hunters

    Sent from my SM-S916B using Tapatalk
    Blahahaha fuk that's funny, l wonder who he's poking that comment at ?
    BRADS likes this.
    Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!

  2. #47
    Ned is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rn-85 View Post
    As a beginner who started in this game knowing very little, I've found many of the videos help with some of the bits here and there. Seasonal info, conditions, gear dumps, obvious shit, ect.

    I think I was a bit disillusioned at points, thinking I needed the biggest and best but this forum puts it in perspective.

    The internet is full of people with strong opinions and "experts". If they are confident enough to make a strongly worded forum post or YT video, perhaps use your internal BS gauge.

    I'd love to know who you guys rate as any good.

    I prefer;
    -keeping it wild nz (spelling?) The dude who eats possumn and hedgehogs.

    -nz wild adventures (tasman is his name and he seems to use ordinary gear and must be built like a tank)

    - south island rifle walkers

    -Bushman Sam did one but haven't seen much of his but it looked good.

    The guys making these videos are doing an epic effort. And there open for people on the forum and the comments section to call them out which is pretty ballsy. Most of the ones I watch are not selling gear.

    Sent from my SM-G780G using Tapatalk
    NZ meat eater.
    Gone Bush NZ

    are 3 others I follow. All pretty low key and usually pretty short.

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  3. #48
    Join Date
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    I actually think that the hunting videos put out by many of the younger guys on YT are a lot better than those who have been at it for ages... The younger ones are usually fun and don't take themselves too seriously, they're not beating their chests saying look at me, have good ethics, and certainly put in the hard yards.... I was on the Patreon of one established YouTuber but recently chucked it in because I couldn't stand the macho narcissistic "look at me" bull dust anymore....
    Beaker, stuart, Micky Duck and 2 others like this.

  4. #49
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Well Micky, on the one hand I can’t wait to see what else you’re going to come up with in your next new thread about this dog tired theme.

    The other hand, er, not so much.

  5. #50
    Join Date
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    Maybe you could start your own channel MD? Your rant which you're entitled to, is just another version of influencing

  6. #51
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    Can we all play nice and just get back to what we all enjoy and the crux of it being just sticking to hunting

  7. #52
    Member stuart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rock river arms hunter View Post
    Can we all play nice and just get back to what we all enjoy and the crux of it being just sticking to hunting
    You are crazy!

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    The whole ego thing with gear probably works both ways, the guys with the flash shit going look at me (most guys I know with high end gear own it because it’s better than budget stuff not to show how big there cocks are
    The guys with the budget shit going I’m just as good as the flash fuckers with my budget gear so I’m cool to
    Personally I always by the very best I can afford my longrange rig is worth more than my wagon
    As for the influencer’s I spent a bit of time with one early last year
    There’s a shit ton more work goes into making a vid than I thought
    I enjoy seeing what new technology is out there
    Progress is a good thing
    Kiwi Greg, 308 and Micky Duck like this.

  9. #54
    gmm is offline
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    Everything progresses, I look back at the kit I first started hunting with, ex-Army camo, Buller boots, a fully wooded Mauser 7 x 57, no scope, green river curved skinning knife, would go all day with bugger all to eat and no other stuff, mostly hunted with mates but we always split up with the simple instruction, you stay this side of the river and I'll go the other side.
    First shotgun was a side by side, had to reload as the cost of factory ammo was too expensive, as many did.

    Now I have breathable waterproof clothes and jackets, have moved to a Blaser and a Sako, have binos, a PLB, good boots and a bit of other stuff, couldn't go all day without a feed and use a sword knife. (still have the Mauser) A lot comes down to your budget and when your young, in most cased its bugger all.

    I watch some cool videos, some with all the kit, but like to think I can avoid being influenced to get all the kit... Now. Mind you if all the kit they have now was around when I was young, I guess it could have been a bit of a train wreck on the wallet.

    I like to think you get wiser as you get older, but prove to myself at times this is BS hence the PLB and other kit, which back in the day I would never have looked at, not that it existed.

    Influencing is just a more modern form of advertising, same old tactics as have always been used, bigger faster better. The best thing is that if it's on You Tube and its bullshit, you can turn if off.
    308 and 55six like this.



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