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Thread: South Island Gunsmith

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    No he's suggesting that they are busy enough doing the other work that is more profitable, than farting around doing a small one off job that will not be...
    timattalon likes this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Hawkes Bay

    South Island Gunsmith

    Quote Originally Posted by Remington 5R .300 Win Mag View Post
    or, pay the (appropriate amount) for a bedding job so that they can eek enough cash out of me for to make it worth 'their' while, yeah?
    They are not subtlety suggesting anything, you surmised due to offence

    The adjusted quote above is now is closer to correct

    We cant expect them to do work for us, when its not economically worth their while, if they did that for you, and everyone else, then they wont be there to do the work you want done next year

    It is simply a matter of time spent versus income, day after day after day

    Nobody wants to do a 4 hr job and be paid for a 2 hr one, then do that a couple of times a day, every day, Every week, Every year, When they have a full time income stream elsewhere

    The type of people that do little jobs for little return are retired folk, who have time to spare and the coin is handy.

    A more constructive approach from them would have been to advise you of the actual cost of the job, and if that was not satisfactory for you then show a cost reduction if you can advance your rifle modification timeframe and get more work done at the same time.

    Im sure we can apply the same logic to most areas of labour added products and trade and the way we, as consumers of their labour added products and trade, employ the services of said providers.

    We cant expect a top notch (time consuming) service/product whilst only paying what we "think" is correct.
    Last edited by 7mmsaum; 13-02-2016 at 11:32 AM.
    veitnamcam, kokako, mikee and 3 others like this.
    A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington 5R .300 Win Mag View Post
    So, you're suggesting that THEY'RE 'subtly' suggesting, that I go ahead and get extra work done on a rifle that I don't need to get done, or, pay excessively for a bedding job so that they can eek enough cash out of me for to make it worth 'their' while, yeah?
    If that's the way they want to treat their clientele then they automatically miss out on the bigger jobs I may have for them later... it's that simple!
    Looks like a couple people type what I said faster than I did.....Edited. As an adendum, I have had work done by the crew at Gunworks when we could not due to our circumstances here post quake, and we are very happy with the standard and quality of workmanship they provide. I will happily take rifles to them again and an hapy recommending them to our own customers.

    We often have people want jobs done on rifles that when you look into it are not really in the best interests of the customer. I dont know all the details in your case, but bedding a rifle can be a time consuming job to do properly and a quick cheap job will ruin a business reputation quickly and effectively. We often had people wanting to get work done that would have exceeded the value of the rifle with minimal benefit for the customer. A lot are happy to spend this money and if they really want to then we will usually find a way to help them without simply taking the job. Often they will get better results by starting again with a new rifle and for much less. We approach it in a different way as generally we have more time and admittedly this means it takes us quite a bit longer to get some jobs done. I will normally go through what is being asked and what is needed to accomplish this and find out why this is being done. Then I try to go through the pro's and cons of said choices and offer options for they buyer to decide. Is it worth spending big bucks on bedding a 22LR (this is something we have been asked to do) Not normally, but in some situations it can be. Mostly with 22lr there is little benefit to glass or pillar bedding actions depending on what it is used for etc but in other cases it can have a pay off. But it often costs more than the new rifle if done properly for a fair price.

    Sometimes we will walk the customer through how to do the task themselves. I started here as a customer when the Gunsmith did exactly that. The job I wanted done would have cost me more than a new rifle, but he showed me how to do this myself for much less. This does not work in every case. I admit, often it would be much easier to politely decline and say we are too busy. (Often we are anyway but will try to help anyway, hence the delays)
    Last edited by timattalon; 13-02-2016 at 12:35 PM.

  4. #19
    Member rossi.45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmsaum View Post
    What happened there was you got diverted/set aside.

    There was not enough coin to be made from the work you offered them.

    i think you hit the nail smack dab on the head 7 . . . there isn't money in the little or fiddly jobs and i don't blame GWorks for turning it down or putting it aside for the better paying jobs, its a high volume business making good coin from limited services with no doubt high over heads.
    And thats the learning curve . .. do you want that . . or a small operator who takes on all the jobs big & small, who makes a living but just, doing something he enjoys . . both have there place in the market.
    timattalon likes this.

  5. #20
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    to me it appears like you already know where you don't want to go...so you will be able to answer your own question easy enough . I got a barrel threaded here in Timaru recently and it cost me $150 as BLR barrel doesn't come apart apparently.......almost certain Robbies team would have stuck to their quoted $65 as they would have had skills and gear to do it same way as anything else.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    to me it appears like you already know where you don't want to go...so you will be able to answer your own question easy enough . I got a barrel threaded here in Timaru recently and it cost me $150 as BLR barrel doesn't come apart apparently.......almost certain Robbies team would have stuck to their quoted $65 as they would have had skills and gear to do it same way as anything else.

    Correct. Quoted me for a chamber ream. BLR was no problem.

  7. #22
    Top Member Remington 5R .300 Win Mag's Avatar
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    Obviously A Different Planet To The One You Bastards Are On!
    Ok, I've had enough and I'm no longer subscribed to this thread!
    To all those who have been genuine and maturely offered up helpful opinions, I thank you very much, to all those others who have viewed me as nothing more than a 'feeding frenzy' and have chosen to 'take the piss', have a good think about what you've done, but, you've done nothing for me!
    "Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten"!

  8. #23
    MSL is offline
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    Sensitive much?

  9. #24
    Member Double Shot's Avatar
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    I'd give Hugh Bradley at Stager Sport a call, recently did a fantastic job re-barrel, reaming for new calibre and so on... worth a call
    Ozark Precision NZ Ltd

    P: 021 494 447

  10. #25
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington 5R .300 Win Mag View Post
    Ok, I've had enough and I'm no longer subscribed to this thread!
    To all those who have been genuine and maturely offered up helpful opinions, I thank you very much, to all those others who have viewed me as nothing more than a 'feeding frenzy' and have chosen to 'take the piss', have a good think about what you've done, but, you've done nothing for me!
    That banging sound is your mum knocking on the bedroom door telling you it is time for tea.
    7mmsaum, Tommy, timattalon and 1 others like this.

  11. #26
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
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    I think Gunworks like to concentrate on doing suppressors as that's what they are set up for, they are good at it and I imagine there's good dough in it, I'm not 100% sure but I think Robbie is the only gunsmith there? The rest being machinists? So he has limited time to do all the gun smithing jobs plus ever second person who walks in wants to talk to him! The girls try to manage that.. lol

    If I was wanting a new barrel on a shot out hunting rifle I'd get them to do it no qualms but if I was after a custom build, action truing, etc I'd look elsewhere
    Shut up, get out & start pushing!

  12. #27
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    I've always found Gunworks good to deal with, though in fairness most of what we get them to do through work is threading rifles for suppressors. I once had a second hand rifle there having a suppressor fitted, and asked them to re-ream the chamber as there was a slight burr in it which seemed to be marking cases slightly. I didn't know where the previous owner had the chamber reamed in the first place, and there was no record of it in Gunworks' books, but they re-reamed it for free just in case it was somehow their fault.

  13. #28
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommygun View Post
    I've always found Gunworks good to deal with, though in fairness most of what we get them to do through work is threading rifles for suppressors. I once had a second hand rifle there having a suppressor fitted, and asked them to re-ream the chamber as there was a slight burr in it which seemed to be marking cases slightly. I didn't know where the previous owner had the chamber reamed in the first place, and there was no record of it in Gunworks' books, but they re-reamed it for free just in case it was somehow their fault.
    and that right there is faarkin great "customer service"

  14. #29
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    Dave Ward up in Nelson gets a vote from me, built a long range rig and im highly impressed.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington 5R .300 Win Mag View Post
    Ok, I've had enough and I'm no longer subscribed to this thread!
    To all those who have been genuine and maturely offered up helpful opinions, I thank you very much, to all those others who have viewed me as nothing more than a 'feeding frenzy' and have chosen to 'take the piss', have a good think about what you've done, but, you've done nothing for me!
    Oh grow a set. No one was taking the piss. Go back and read it carefully.

    All were trying politely to tell you that it was not that he wanted to charge you more, but rather declining to take your money for something that he was not comfortable doing for whatever reason.

    As a genuine and helpful opinion, if Gunworks refused to do a job, I would ask why, and I would listen to that reason. If you really want it done anyway, ask "if you cannot do it, do you know someone who can?". Any halfway reasonable tradesman will know who he would use if he didn't want to himself.
    res, tommygun, Tommy and 1 others like this.



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