Has anyone any experience with these rifles.
Has anyone any experience with these rifles.
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A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Ive handled the one for sale in Invers, nothing made me want to buy it . . .
Not great.
"Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"
Not a lot of love , or no knowledge
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Maybe a bit like Bergara when they first arrived.
No interest as an unknown quantity....now look
The straight pull market seems to be very very fussy and difficult to please. (Blaser owners im looking at you)
I haven't anything to do with these but I hope they go well.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
They seem to be quite good
All reviews are positive.
Beretta New Zealand, have arrogantly priced themselves out of my price range for retirement rifle.
So, as you would, being a Kiwi . I'm going to look for something else.
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Chunky looking thing and 3000 euro.... ouch
You still have at least two 7 litre Camaros, a nascar powered a c cobra and the whole range of Sakos to go yet, then you have your 70s to look forward too
Then make yourself a small expedition truck from a Tractor unit and a portacom and hunt the shit outa NZ until
Your mrs calls you home
Last edited by 7mmsaum; 14-07-2022 at 09:42 PM.
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
My mate had one on loan last hunting season and I have shot them at a demo day at a range.
They feel more traditional than a Blaser but not as pollished as a Heym. The switch barrel function is nice but you might be better off with a more supported product back home?
They are dear for what they are and you might end up buying an orphan if they dont sell well over thete.
"Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"
I know nothing of the rifle you mention, but I’m going to throw something out there-
Unless you are buying a Rigby/Heym no factory rifle is up to being called an heirloom rifle. The finish and fit is average, not to mention they are machine checkered. Get yourself a classic built, you can do it for half the cost with the same quality. My upcoming .358Win is going to be top end, and total cost is less than $2500. Admittedly I’m building the stock for it, but even if I charged it to myself the whole package would be $6k. A ‘deluxe’ Sako is probably that much these days, and still only a factory Sako.
Maybe one of these but hate to think of the cost.
Rols unique carbon modified by armurerie de chateau
Interesting they list both 9.3 x57 and 9.3 x62 as standard you don't see the 57 much