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Thread: Suggested factory ammo for

  1. #31
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Australia / Marlborough Sounds
    Any updates on this ?
    How is your new rifle and what ammo did you end up buying .

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Havelock/Linkwater or Ashburton Lakes
    Got some Federal blue box as suggested. Had a 2 week holiday where I thought I'd sight it in and go hunting but didn't go to plan.
    Roughly sighted it at 25m then took target out to 200m using GPS watch to measure distance. Was hitting 250mm target every time but struggling to get it sighted in accurately as was a 25+deg day and lot of heat haze from the tussock area I was in. Best was about 75mm group so not great but I think that was more eye sight heat haze than rifle ammo.

    Planned to go hunting and more sighting in couple of days later but the terrorist attack completely stuffed that up and rifle hasn't left gun safe since. Had to retun from holiday as daughter is a first year of working registered nurse in Chch hospital. Not ideal. Worse my son is a volunteer in civil defense response team and he was an early responder helping with triage at mosque. Very very not ideal. He needed following week off work and still finding things hard at times. Support for responders is not great. Family isn't against guns, they enjoy plinking with air rifle and hunting TV shows, like wild meat, etc. They differentiate the tool from the terrorist but at the moment seeing high powered rifle bring back memories.
    So it'll be a couple of weeks before I next get chance to use it as had the 3 days easter & ANZAC off work.
    Did manage to scope a $20 bipod. Also $50 for orange fore end and pistol grip. Only using fore end. Its wider feel suits my hand better.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Havelock/Linkwater or Ashburton Lakes
    Did some sighting in with a fairly strong crosswind at 100m as couldn't locate a clear 200m area in the tussocks. Was happy enough with this result (edit: don't know why the target photo is rotated)
    Would have been better if during the following days I'd actually seen a deer or pig but it wasn't to be. Good walks anyway!
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    jakewire and Ground Control like this.

  4. #34
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Oct 2014
    I ran both the federal and hornady super performance over the chrony the federal speed was 240 fps below the stated mv, the hornady was within 25 fps. For a long range rig that adds up to quite a few moa extra at 600 yds for the federal if you hadnt the time to shot a drop chart and relied on data and strelok.
    This was part of setting the rifle up (Sauer 100) so no big deal but the hornady grouped better at all ranges
    uk_exile likes this.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Havelock/Linkwater or Ashburton Lakes
    Quote Originally Posted by Marty Henry View Post
    I ran both the federal and hornady super performance over the chrony the federal speed was 240 fps below the stated mv, the hornady was within 25 fps. For a long range rig that adds up to quite a few moa extra at 600 yds for the federal if you hadnt the time to shot a drop chart and relied on data and strelok.
    This was part of setting the rifle up (Sauer 100) so no big deal but the hornady grouped better at all ranges
    I'll try Hornady next. Do you suggest 139 or 154gr?

    This is the Federal I've currently got https://gunworks.co.nz/shop/item/federal-7mm-rem-mag

  6. #36
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    It was the 154 sst hornady and 150 federal that was run.
    uk_exile likes this.



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