Fantastic input - lots of stuff I wouldn't have thought of and haven't seen written elsewhere.
Fair enough - I don't find long firearms overly problematic to use, so can run a suppressor on a full length barrel - still comes out shorter than a lot of the guns I enjoy shootingI'm really interested in the sound reduction aspect, so while it'll still be loud, I'm hoping it will take the edge off.
Excellent - great to hear that it's commonly done.
Pretty much exclusively handloads. Usually I try to balance grouping with complete burn by the muzzle for any particular rifle. I guess in retrospect the question didn't have enough information to be properly answerable, was thinking maybe people were in the habit of consistently removing or adding baffles as a matter of course.
Thank you for taking a pic of that table - very good to see them side by side.
Fair enough on the thread range between the two rifles. I wonder if a thread adapter would suit - thread the suppressor to the larger barrel, then make a thread adapter for the smaller gun with an inside shoulder and smooth inner section to keep the adapter square on the muzzle, and a square shoulder on the back of the adapter for the suppressor. Given that it would be a 308 adapter there would be some additional room for a .284 bullet to pass through the suppressor even if it wasn't totally square, but the adapter should largely solve that. Could even get really fancy and built a barrel tuner into it
Hopefully in time these laws can be turned around and we can again.
Good to know - with the above, I think I may have to look into whether I can do up a centered and concentric thread adapter.
Excellent - haven't gotten into UK forums much so hadn't seen those, thank you for the links. Looks like something in the posting process broke the links, but searching the sites seems to be pulling up the right pages.
In the other thread there was the comment stating that every inch of muzzle forward suppressor is equal to 5 inches of overbarrel - do you find there to be a considerable difference in sound between equivalent internal volume suppressors muzzle forward vs overbarrel? Alternatively, is it an aspect of overall length/balance/handling that comes from the overbarrel suppressors?
Very good points. I hadn't really thought about the fact that you can add additional baffles at lower weight given the same cost, which is very valid. Also interesting that you notice the additional baffles on subsonics but not supersonics. I guess that's an effect of the supersonic crack from the bullet rather than direct muzzle blast.
All fantastic info, learning a ton from these threads and hopefully it helps some other people out too.