I would not touch anther Hardys again. As mentioned before DPT or Gunworks. I will be getting one to replace the Hardys I have as they wont fix it (even though I explained it was 2nd hand and I did not expect it to be done as a warranty job- ) I get soot on the outside of my barrel after every use even if only one shot is fired.... I understand sometimes things are not perfect- but it is how a person deals with defect and mistakes that is important to me and when I spoke to them he flat out told me that his suppressors wont do that....Well I can tell you its not the barrel doing it.....As a matter of fact, I had someone else wh is familiar with these things take a look at it and there is visible swarf in the join where the barrel sleeve threads into the muzzle fitting on the suppressor.....Probably a simple fix that has cost him a customer
When I replace it I will be getting a gunworks one - no question. If I was closer to DPT they would be in with a chance, but shipping hassles etc mean I go local for that now.