This does bring up an interesting topic.
I’ve been through stages where I have way to many firearms in the safe and many sit unused.
I’m at the stage where less is better, and quality trumps quantity.
At the moment I only have two that will never leave my possession and that is because of sentimental attachment not performance.
My working rifles have to perform and be used often or they are gone.
My workers consist of 2 Centerfires of completely different configurations , 1 shotgun and 1 rimfire .
That has been whittled down from 16 firearms , no new rifle arrives without one of the existing disappearing .
I regret burying my AR, AK, SKS and >45carbine in my septic tank.
Danger, danger . you are being watched. Expect a vist from Mr plod in the near future.![]()
Patience Is A Virtue
Remington Mohawk in 243 with I think 2 3/4 Leupold. Brilliant little hunter for the north and very accurate on range. Dam.....
Left hand Ruger M77 MK2 .270win. 24" True Flite stainless fluted barrel.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Quite a few but heck least I was the caretaker for a while , BSA Hunter in 7 x 57 , BSA Majestic in .270 , the Majestic I miss the most though probably,
Crips sheaer, you will have to get rid of that rifle, It`s patently clear that the bloody tree has the virus!!!.
Still regret letting a Rem Mohawk with ventilated rib in .222 slip away..
No, but there are several I wish I had bought.
I was offered a new Sako 85 Finnlight in .270 for $1000 in the US in 2016 and passed it up. Couldn’t get excited about a .270 but wish I had bought it now.
I also have a couple I wish I had never brought including one very expensive custom rifle that had issues from the get go and still has them.
So if anyone wants a $4500 tomato stake I may be your man...........................