“Pretty much a missile strike”. Modern cartridges optimised for modern projectiles always seem to get a funny reaction. What will you shoot from it? I kinda like the idea of a 250 gr A tip, with a g1 BC of .878, it is, pretty much a missile
“Pretty much a missile strike”. Modern cartridges optimised for modern projectiles always seem to get a funny reaction. What will you shoot from it? I kinda like the idea of a 250 gr A tip, with a g1 BC of .878, it is, pretty much a missile
300PRC'd this guy last year with a 212gr Eldx at 350m. Does the job. Dropped back to 180gr for a bit more speed lately. That rifle is a truck gun tho... too jolly heavy.
"That is ever the way of the Highlander. He alters like a clear pool to every mood of the sky, so that the shallow observer knows not how deep the waters are."
A friend has just brought a browning in this cal, I'm quite impressed with it. The Hornady ammo isn't cheap, or true to label wrt velocity, but after chronying it, he managed consistent hits on a 300 mm plate at 700 m. I find the muzzle break annoying though and hope he gets a suppressor.
"That is ever the way of the Highlander. He alters like a clear pool to every mood of the sky, so that the shallow observer knows not how deep the waters are."
Good on you Goose.
Ive been thinking of going down this path too, with longer range target matches in mind but for me it should primarily be a SouthIsland hunting rifle.
The combination of standard winmag / H&H magnum bolt face with Lapua magnum COAL is a bit awkward, hence the short but well published list of manufacturers with factory offerings.
Id be interested to hear from anyone who’s stepped up or down from 300WSM or 300NormaMagnum what difference they found in reloads they could achieve.
I’d also be interested to hear examples of the heavy soft bullets people are using for hunting.
A third point of interest if what suppressors people are using ? Im thinking it could be good to carry it without for the single shot in scrub or bush and screw one on for open country and range. Might be better than having a pair eg bushpig + open country gun ???
A common theme that always seems to pop up in regard to long range soft projectile is the Hornady ELDM. Cheapish, good BC and bloody accurate in most guns. They expand at lower velocities and I’ve never had one blow up on me yet at close ranges and I’ve used 168, 178 and 208 in 30 cal.
If you’re going down the custom throat path, you can get some bloody good velocities from the heavy 30 cal pills. Look at Mark and Sam on YouTube. They’ve done a heap of vids on 300wsm, 300prc, 300WM and 300NM. All bloody good velocities using ADI powders only. They get the smith to throat them long as buggery so only the minimum needed seating depth is used.
Thanks. ELD-M
Mark and Sam.
225 eldm serious good wind drift and smashes everything. Used a DPT was adequate with a muzzle brake was fkn horrible if you weren't careful with surroundings. The concussion was excessive ...
I'm using the 230gr berger hybrids and 230gr Atips in my 300PRC, taken a few goats and fallow out to 775meters with the 230gr bergers, they work well.
No game taken with the atips as yet.
Mate runs the 225gr eld-m in his 300PRC and taken plenty of animals at long range
Using Tapatalk
Just run a suppressor full time, 24inches ain’t too bad for a snap shot. I’m running an optima45 and it is handling the muzzle pressure sweet as and it weighs bugger all.
215bergers have been pretty spectacular on everything inside 350m. Havnt had a chance to stretch out further on live game yet but she’s hitting fist sized rocks at 800m.