I can feel your shoulder.
I put about 134gr of h1000 in my Gibbs, but behind a heavier pill, and that is very punishing .
Enjoy and take good care of it.
Can we go hunting for the famous Canterbury Black Panther....?
Extraordinary! Not out of place for chamois either I feel.
Unsophisticated... AF!
Well we did have a tiger problem here, but that 500 nitro for black powder express solved it admittedly with much less style. There are still a few cougar's around though.
I expect it will primarily be used deer stalking by me and perhaps I will go chase a scrub bull with it.
The previous owner had it for just over 40 years and the owner before that is now long dead.
Going by the condition of its bores I would expect that it hasn't been fired for over 100 years and the exterior just has a few cabinet bumps and bruises
I will make some more cases today.
Powder coat some more bullets.
Test it with 130 grains BP to try and bring the shots a little closer together.
Clean and oil the walnut.
And the rifle is good to go for hunting.
The case I have to refit for it to go in will take a lot longer to get sorted.
But when it is done it will look stunning
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Stunning rifle, probably to much gun for my skinny ass though
Looks the go for scrub bulls, that would be a fun hunt perfect for that big ol rifle
We have some wild cats around here..
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
It's a wet day so I will thrash on the Greener today
The case I got for it is from an unknown 30" barreled SxS shotgun
It is outwardly in good condition and has a lot of character
The inside is totally moth and rodent eaten
But is a nice fit for the Greener and a full internal refit will make it look like it has always been in there
As per usual there was no key. But I've done a few of these now and my Dickson double rifle case Key nearly swung the internals over.
So 30 minutes with a new blank and a careful smoke and file to fit and I have a key made without needing to remove the lock
Now I will move on to stabilizing the transit labels
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
That case and labels are so good, that sucker has done some ocean miles