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Thread: Tikka t1X - Beretta NZ sales policy

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    New Zealand
    Hi there, I wanted to join up and set the record straight here. I am the Marketing & Digital Specialist for Beretta NZ.
    Firstly, OP, what you have been told is untrue. I spent all Friday piecing together an introductory email to go out to ALL customers with details on the T1X, when it is expected into NZ, and the pricing.
    The communication has not yet been finalized, and I will not go into the pricing etc but it will be sent next week.

    I can only presume that this retailer attempted to get info before it was available or public, and probably perceived it the wrong way. If said shop owner had tried to call and order it or ask for pricing or delivery details, say last week, there would literally be no information that could be shared - as we have not yet taken it to market or set pricing etc.

    But anyway, if this shop is a customer of ours, irrespective of if they are an "independent" or not, they will be receiving the communication with the required information prompting them to get their orders in ASAP as supply will be on a first come first served basis.

    Chris Watson
    Last edited by ChrisW; 27-01-2018 at 11:58 AM.

  2. #32
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    It’s alright I’ve sold both I’ve mine and moved onto better things! Mind you they were 223s so fault could lie with factory ammo? I have about 20 different packets and non worked. The 1:12 was worse than the 1:8. These were stock rifles with no mods, so I don’t give a shit who’s selling them, unless they’re free I don’t want one. Then I’d sell it to @Happy hahahahaha. The Remington is going great, err both of them! Especially the 204!
    My 1:12 is a laser.

    Sent from my SM-G388F using Tapatalk

  3. #33
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Welcome ChrisW
    So What you are saying is Beretta NZ will supply each and every firearm retailer in the country without prejudice, is that correct?
    Pengy likes this.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2015
    And maybe correct me if I’m wrong, but H&F have had exclusive models from beretta NZ in the past? H&F do this on some lines, shotgun ammo springs to mind.

    Not that I see anything wrong with this - wholesalers /retailers do it all the time, but just in the interests of transparency...

    Oh, and Tikkas really aren’t my cup of tea at all, but very happy with my sako.

  5. #35
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by jakewire View Post
    Welcome ChrisW
    So What you are saying is Beretta NZ will supply each and every firearm retailer in the country without prejudice, is that correct?
    Im saying that customers who have an account will be able to order it the same as everyone else. Obviously its not possible for "each and every firearm retailer in the country" to have a valid account, but those who do, including independents will be able to order it the same as all of our other customers.
    It will not be exclusive to any big chain.

  6. #36
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by 7x64 View Post
    And maybe correct me if I’m wrong, but H&F have had exclusive models from beretta NZ in the past? H&F do this on some lines, shotgun ammo springs to mind.

    Not that I see anything wrong with this - wholesalers /retailers do it all the time, but just in the interests of transparency...

    Oh, and Tikkas really aren’t my cup of tea at all, but very happy with my sako.
    The T1X is too much of a big deal to be exclusive to any one retailer.
    There may be exclusive package deals with scopes etc (not saying there IS), but the actual rifle, no way.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    HBC, NORTH of Auckland
    I wouldn't get too hung up on the OP, all it will take is seing one other retailer advertise on trademe for the light to start to shine a little.

    Tikkas are like opinions, just because you have one doesn't make it any good
    kiwijames, mikee, BRADS and 4 others like this.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Gisborne Rural
    Thanks @ChrisW for taking your time posting this info. Hopefully not the last. It would be great any new info of new products/news in the future would be appreciated by as tikka fans

  9. #39
    Full of shit Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    South Island
    So for future reference, if you are tired of dealing with Beretta for warranty claims etc and getting little to no service, which seems to happen a bit here in NZ, just put a post up here slagging them off and one of their staff will be right along to set the record straight ....
    outdoorlad, 04sika, kokako and 6 others like this.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbear View Post
    Thanks @ChrisW for taking your time posting this info. Hopefully not the last. It would be great any new info of new products/news in the future would be appreciated by as tikka fans

    Thanks, ill stick around and keep you guys updated on all our gear and developments.
    If anyone has any questions, ill do my best to answer or share what info I am at liberty to.
    dogmatix, Tahr, veitnamcam and 6 others like this.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Typical disingeous reply from Beretta. They won't give this retailer an account on any basis. If you are up front Beretta how about disclosing how many new independent accounts you have "awarded " in the last three years.

  12. #42
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisW View Post
    Im saying that customers who have an account will be able to order it the same as everyone else. Obviously its not possible for "each and every firearm retailer in the country" to have a valid account, but those who do, including independents will be able to order it the same as all of our other customers.
    It will not be exclusive to any big chain.
    Ok, thanks Chris
    That then leaves me with the question.
    Can any legitimate firearms retailer in New Zealand open an account with you , if, they so choose?
    outdoorlad likes this.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    So for future reference, if you are tired of dealing with Beretta for warranty claims etc and getting little to no service, which seems to happen a bit here in NZ, just put a post up here slagging them off and one of their staff will be right along to set the record straight ....
    Lol I love all things hunting, fishing & shooting. I was literally browsing the firearms section of the forum and saw "Tikka t1X - Beretta NZ sales policy" and thought to myself "what the hell is anyone on here doing talking about something like that like they have any clue..there is no "policy" and we haven't even taken it to market yet".

    So I had a read and felt it obliged to set the record straight.
    Believe me I don't spend my weekends looking online for anyone slagging off Beretta...and no one directed me to this thread. I have been known to spend time browsing various forums of interest though

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by jakewire View Post
    Ok, thanks Chris
    That then leaves me with the question.
    Can any legitimate firearms retailer in New Zealand open an account with you , if, they so choose?
    To be honest im not sure what the requirements are. I have nothing to do with sales or accounts.
    If this line of questioning relates to any specific shop or retailer, PM me with details and I can look into it.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisW View Post
    Thanks, ill stick around and keep you guys updated on all our gear and developments.
    If anyone has any questions, ill do my best to answer or share what info I am at liberty to.
    Any idea if they will bring out a all weather Tx1 in stainless steel?
    bigbear likes this.



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