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Thread: Trail camera not capturing image a night

  1. #16
    MB is offline
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    Had it apart. No drama. Nothing resembling an IR filter to be found. Other ideas welcome!

  2. #17
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MB View Post
    OK, thanks everyone for your help. Photo only mode seemed to do the trick and "1 photo in series" was more reliable than multiple photos in series. I can see the LED flash coming on with my naked eye. Effective range is about an arms length, beyond that it's back to black nothingness. Is that normal for cheapo cameras?
    From your description it sounds like the ir bulbs are stuffed you should get about 10m range even with a cheap one, either that or the units sensor has drifted and is no longer responding to infra red light.
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  3. #18
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    can you see anything glow on it when you walk up to it at night
    mine blinks on for a second or two when it takes the photo and is quite noticeable

    might pay to check if the model is night capable, I havent seen one that isnt but you never know this might be the first

  4. #19
    MB is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill999 View Post
    can you see anything glow on it when you walk up to it at night
    mine blinks on for a second or two when it takes the photo and is quite noticeable

    might pay to check if the model is night capable, I havent seen one that isnt but you never know this might be the first
    Yes, the LED lights/flash come on and it does work at night out to about an arm's length.

  5. #20
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    hah I wonder what bulb they put in there to get that piss poor distance

    sounds like its taking the picture before or after they come on the camera should do arms length on its own
    I say should but I dont know these things for sure

  6. #21
    MB is offline
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    I've emailed Campark. It wasn't an expensive item, but annoying nonetheless.



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