@grandpamac don't worry I won't be getting into the gentleman target shooting caper
I'm strictly a hunting rifle guy
Don't collect the target models
You won't see me in a waist coat and tie shooting a schutzen rifle match
@grandpamac don't worry I won't be getting into the gentleman target shooting caper
I'm strictly a hunting rifle guy
Don't collect the target models
You won't see me in a waist coat and tie shooting a schutzen rifle match
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Well I think you'd look rather spiff hunting in plus fours, thick scratchy woolen socks, a good stout pair of brogues not to forget the tweed jacket etc.
Mines a Sporter lol....
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
Actual image of @Marty Henry when he visited last
All dressed up for wallaby shooting
Showing us South Islanders how it's done up his way
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Enough fun...Back to topic, for those following the Serpent Projectiles..I finally realised the difference between these and the Walkers and the Blueys. No doubt the experienced among you will take a nano second to pick it. I was a bit slower....Serpent on the left...
Explains exactly why the Serpent bulged to one side during seating when the brass is resized or factory original.
I've just reloaded a batch, twice fired brass, no resizing, no case mouth flare, a little push in due to start and then the projectile slips easily in no visible bulging. Very consistent depth. Easily the most concentric.
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
The Serpent actually has a small bevel on the base. While easier to start seating entry, if not completely even and consistent the bullet is going to tip or angle in one direction so it bulges the case out on one side. Not resizing avoids the tipping. I'm aware some casters remove the bevel from their mold. I suspect to address this seating issue.
Have not tried seating the other two yet without a expanded case mouth. Certainly in a resized case, no expansion would likely result in crushed cases
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
Yes @Marty Henry you certainly did. And a tie even. Not wanting to be outdone a search of my wardrobe was made but alas all I could come up with was this.
It is my Clan's Hunting Tartan but I am unsure how I should wear it.
Why is the middle lead bullet looking bent and leans to the left compared to its nose sitting flat and not straight compared to the other two
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
I never got any good accuracy with lead bullets until I started casting my own. (And then I could control the alloy and the lube, all of which is important.) That photograph reminds me of why.
UPDATE - Further Test Load Results: ADI AR2207 Over Max Charge Loads and Fireformed 30-30 Loads - Serpent Projectiles
Some more range time and more results. I wanted to see if going above the published data would yield anything of interest. Pretty mediocre results I have to say with a possible accuracy node at 0.2gn above max but spread groups after that. I'm still puzzled a little about the large ES results. I am super careful trickling each load to the target charge. The brass this time was neither sized nor crimped. No case-mouth flare either. Seating the bullets required a bit of a push on the press handle to enter the case mouth and then they slid in pretty easy. Fully seated they were firm and did not move in the fingers. Very uniform with no case bulge. The only thing I can think of to explain the ES is powder position sensitivity and variation. The case is not much better than a third full with these charges. Might be time to try IMR 3031. No I am not interested in trying fillers.
I'm really happy with the first results from the brass fireformed from 30-30. Much better than I anticipated frankly. I just chose 3 loads that looked promising from previous tests. I'm left wondering, with the better ES results, if this confirms the positional sensitivity of 2207 in the larger capacity cases? This would have to be a function of brass thickness. The bullet is not seated as deep in the Shortys in order to preserve the same Cartridge OAL. Anyway, here's the results...
First the Starline brass with Max plus Over Max Charges. The rifle has noticeably more recoil. The one shot at 1720fps was getting up there with a decent crack and thump on the shoulder. Nothing extreme but noticeable. No pressure signs in brass or rifle. The only charge I'll try again is the 0.2gn over.
And here's the Shortys formed from 30-30 brass. These are to the exact same Cartridge OAL as the Starline and chambered just as well but with a fraction more feel in the last 5-6mm when you thumb the cartridge home to close the action. A function of the thicker case mouth I suspect. The 23.0 grain charge looks most promising. Will be trying some of these at 100 and 200m.
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
The harder chambering of the fire formed 3030 brass could be to do with base diameter.
I had to shave 1.5 thou off just above the rim for 5 mm on some cases I made from 3030 to get them to chamber, admittedly they had been fired in a rifle beforehand. I assumed it was a tight chamber but maybe not. By the way 17 gr of 4227 gives me 1470 fps