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Thread: Unscientific comparision, HDB, EL & Zeiss Rangefinding binos

  1. #31
    Not just an internet expert... The Claw's Avatar
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    If trees are non reflective targets, then my experience is the same as yours Greg (but in metres). Had 2km plus reads in the middle of day in heavy mirage when chamois hunting a few weeks back. Consistently, I would say out to around 1,700-1,800m during midday is quite achievable with my pair.
    Bavarian_Hunter likes this.
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  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Hey KG,

    Did you figure out if there is an update so they can display in MOA not just clicks?
    They are on my short list but displaying in clicks might change that.

  3. #33
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ning View Post
    Hey KG,

    Did you figure out if there is an update so they can display in MOA not just clicks?
    They are on my short list but displaying in clicks might change that.
    I haven't heard of an up-date yet....hopefully they will one day....

    Very happy with mine, brilliant bit of kit

    I will put a 4 times table on my stock instead of a drop chart, should be a simple fix
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  4. #34
    Member Looseunit's Avatar
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    Just buy a Gunwerks BR2 , Just got 2664yds and it reads in 1/4 MOA like they should :-)

  5. #35
    Top Member Remington 5R .300 Win Mag's Avatar
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    Obviously A Different Planet To The One You Bastards Are On!
    [QUOTE=Kiwi Greg;214575]

    How bloody embarrassing for Leica, with all the ballistic programs I have used, the dial up is expressed in moa ie 14.7 not 59 clicks


    I'm pretty new to this stuff, and I'm like ning (only about a couple of years later)! I've just sold my Leica Ultravid 10x42 HD's, with these Geovids being on my very short list!

    Can I take it that you, Greg, are using an imperial MOA turret, and Leica have programed their bino's to suit a metric turret such as that of the Swarovski Z6 ballistic turret, and the Swaro's are 1 for 1 click, but, the MOA turret, you have to divide the number that the bino's give you by 4 just to get the clicks right on the imperial/MOA turret? If that makes sense?

    I understood that, the bino's give a distance reading, followed by a "Click" reading, and all I had to do is adjust my Swarovski "Ballistic Turret" by the number of clicks displayed by the bino's... is that correct?
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  6. #36
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    [QUOTE=Remington 5R .300 Win Mag;449704]
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post

    How bloody embarrassing for Leica, with all the ballistic programs I have used, the dial up is expressed in moa ie 14.7 not 59 clicks


    I'm pretty new to this stuff, and I'm like ning (only about a couple of years later)! I've just sold my Leica Ultravid 10x42 HD's, with these Geovids being on my very short list!

    Can I take it that you, Greg, are using an imperial MOA turret, and Leica have programed their bino's to suit a metric turret such as that of the Swarovski Z6 ballistic turret, and the Swaro's are 1 for 1 click, but, the MOA turret, you have to divide the number that the bino's give you by 4 just to get the clicks right on the imperial/MOA turret? If that makes sense?

    I understood that, the bino's give a distance reading, followed by a "Click" reading, and all I had to do is adjust my Swarovski "Ballistic Turret" by the number of clicks displayed by the bino's... is that correct?
    Swarovski EL's don't have a ballistic programme.

    There is a programmable option for two ranges to be displayed in metres or yards....the top one being line of sight, and the lower one being the true ballistic ( horizontal) range, using the inbuilt inclinometer.....the shooter then refers to their drop chart for adjustments in moa or mil-rad, whichever they use.


  7. #37
    Top Member Remington 5R .300 Win Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rich007 View Post
    It's interesting. Apparently the local H&F cancelled their order of HDBs because they had issues with the range finder on the demo model.
    I've acquired a pair of these recently and I'm very suspicious about their range finding capabilities, even when stacked up against my Leica CRF 1600-B finder. I was wandering exactly what problems these people were having with their 'demo model' and what is the name of your local H&F store, so that I can have a yarn to them about it? I've just got off the phone to Otaki Hunting & Fishing, and they claim to know nothing of it, they also say they don't even stock the Leica Geovid 10x42 HD-B binoculars! Sure, what you're saying could well be the reason why they don't? Thanks.
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  8. #38
    Member Rich007's Avatar
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    Hi, I was talking to andrew from manawatu h&f. Mine seem to rangefinder fine and I see manawatu h&f now stock them so perhaps the problems they had are now sorted

    Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
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  9. #39
    Top Member Remington 5R .300 Win Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rich007 View Post
    Hi, I was talking to andrew from manawatu h&f. Mine seem to rangefinder fine and I see manawatu h&f now stock them so perhaps the problems they had are now sorted

    Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
    Thanks for that, I'll contact Andrew. I'm more than convinced mine are shooting off to the left, I'm still doing studies, however, it's looking likely that they are!
    "Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten"!

  10. #40
    Member Rich007's Avatar
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    Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
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  11. #41
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    My hdb,s are fine the only Issues Lackland say they have had are people expecting the battery to work in extreme frozen temp like being left out side or on the truck deck.I would take the warranty that Leica (lack lands)offer all day every day over the swaro's.Correct me if I am wrong doesn't the swaro warranty period last 12 or 24 months?even if the leicas are slightly behind in glass still more than happy with mine.

  12. #42
    Top Member Remington 5R .300 Win Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markgibsonr25 View Post
    My hdb,s are fine the only Issues Lackland say they have had are people expecting the battery to work in extreme frozen temp like being left out side or on the truck deck.I would take the warranty that Leica (lack lands)offer all day every day over the swaro's.Correct me if I am wrong doesn't the swaro warranty period last 12 or 24 months?even if the leicas are slightly behind in glass still more than happy with mine.
    I'd imagine that would be the fault of the battery, not the binos! I certainly hope that Leica have a damn good warranty coz it looks like I'll be needing it already. I am doing an online video review of these things and, "at this stage" I don't have a lot of good to say about them I'm supposed to be going out hunting this Wednesday, so I'll see if there's anything worth tasting in the pudd'n.
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  13. #43
    Applies Lead Liberally rogers.270's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington 5R .300 Win Mag View Post
    I'd imagine that would be the fault of the battery, not the binos! I certainly hope that Leica have a damn good warranty coz it looks like I'll be needing it already. I am doing an online video review of these things and, "at this stage" I don't have a lot of good to say about them I'm supposed to be going out hunting this Wednesday, so I'll see if there's anything worth tasting in the pudd'n.
    wheres you review? i want to know why you dont rate them - in detail
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  14. #44
    Top Member Remington 5R .300 Win Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogers.270 View Post
    wheres you review? i want to know why you dont rate them - in detail
    Part 1's finished and loaded up on YouTube, part 2's in the process of being completed and may take some time due to having to go hunting, actually seeing something in the field and being able to check and see if all the ballistics side of things are working properly by taking the animal using Leica's Ballistic recommendations, as my goal is to give as accurate, detailed and completely 'factual' review and opinion based on actual evidence and findings as opposed to just forming an opinion based purely on perception and a whim! It takes a lot of time to do a decent video. When done, I'll post the link on this thread, so you'll see it. I'm not prepared to publicly release part 1 until part 2 is also finished and loaded up on the YouTube!
    "Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten"!

  15. #45
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    Last year I purchased a new rifle in 6.5x55 new Leica scope 3x12x50 with ballistic turret to go with it. I went for the Leica because I already owned HDBs. I've ranged out to 2000 + meters and I'm sure that they give a very accurate result. I build my own amo and have programmed the geovids in relation to bullet performance which brings me to the only gripe I have about the setup. You have to go online to do the ballistics it's not a programme you can download. The scope is set to correspond with the clicks and can be metric or imperial. The accuracy of the system is impressive although I have only tested it out to 500 yards. Point the binos press the button and read distance and amount of clicks set scope adjust for wind and the rest is down to you. I'm a pretty average shot but on my first effort produced a four inch group. No maths no buggering about with apps in the field just a bit of common reading the wind. Clicks r good



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