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Thread: Value of BRNO model 1 22lr??

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Far North
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetroot View Post
    Does anyone here know what the differences between the brno models are, I have seen on trademe model 1s, 2s and 5s, but have no idea what the differences are.
    model 1 has a square ejection port and a shorter barrel as well as a hand lapped action
    model 2 oval ejection port longer barrel better trigger. not hand lapped action
    model 5 is a model 2 action with a model 1 barrel
    unsure about model 4s

    within this there are differences in rifling of the barrels some have 5 or six grouves and others have 10 or 12

  2. #17
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    ........Best IMHO is about a 74-78 model 2..
    According an expert on the Brno .22 models (actually a Kiwi) at The early ZKM 452 Model 2 with a few idle thoughts on the ZKM 573 - RimfireCentral.com Forums those were some of the worst years to buy a Brno Model 2.

    "When CZ chose to let the quality of the finish fall dramatically as time marched on then they did it to both models together. If I have offended any CZ fans with that statement I’ll leave you in no doubt about how I feel by saying that I believe CZ dined out for decades on the reputation that BRNO had built. As an example, At age 16-18 two of my friends bought new BRNO/CZ Model Two’s on the recommendation of their elder friends/shooters, that would have been about 1975, they eventually both dumped them as not being as accurate nor as reliable as they had been led to believe. I am not criticizing today’s CZ’s, I believe that they are stunning value for money, a new Annie for quarter price. What I am referring to are the standards of metal finish attained through the seventies and into the eighties. Have a look at three similar photos of Model 5’s and then tell me it isn’t so!"

    Some really interesting reading on that website.

  3. #18
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    Far North

  4. #19
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    spreydon christcurch.
    my own experience with a model on e was on the coast 30+yrs ago.
    basically the person who owned it was a very enthusiastic owner /hobby gunsmith. he got the bloody thing after doing the welding on a local cockies new cowshed- in leiu of folding stuff and realising what the cockie had standing in the kitchen corner but minus trigger -it was payment for the job.this bloke is as cunning as a shithouse rat -in fact he may well have been what shit house rats were modeled on!
    The ORIGINAL BRNO blueprints were sourced(how i dont fuckin know)and he built his own trigger group &installed it. we had a mob of .22 users and in practise for a .22 competition shoot (military at that) A few sidebets were laid.In those days i was a smoker so laid the odds - Five cigarette filters end on 25m-a jug on each.
    He was allowed a sighter ,but no its business -5 jugs later for the mob ,i learnt my lesson.
    now this is the mid 1970s- he won that battalion .22 shoot.incidentally that rifle was topped with a 4x28bentley scope-fine crosshair and he was fuckin lethal on anything .
    i dont gild the lily -the bloke cost me my marriage, but iwas present when many a bunny met his maker ,and got a personal invite to clean the body fluids out of the back of a honda civic after he bought home an 8pt red stag whose throat had been slit with a .22 round.
    hmmmmm- dopey stag got caught grazing a swede paddock after retreating from the choppers working his home turf.not good grazing westcoast swede paddock when 2legged arseholes are chasing possums in next paddock with bright light.
    I have a guts like a concrete mixer ,but a the end of that even i'd had enough so Imade a deposit in a hokitika gutter ,that would probalby halve the national debt!!!I kid you fuckin not It stunk to high heaven.
    Before i left the coast -I laid out $600.00 in cold hard cash on a table to buy that rifle - apparently it wouldnt buy the engraving!!!!!. to my knowledge it certainly still sits in the owners gunsafe.
    .For those who may have an inkling(R93) the bloke was involved in the big screen version of Stan Graham Kowhitirangi1941 entitled "Bad Blood"- that was a bloody travesty too -two bloody aussies played the lead roles _Jack Thompson(Breaker Morant ,The Man from Snowy River) as Stan Graham and Carol Burns(Prisoner) as his wife.
    if you ever get a chance to see it -its a chillingly accurate portrayalof a mans descent into madness!!!

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill999 View Post
    model 1 has a square ejection port and a shorter barrel as well as a hand lapped action
    model 2 oval ejection port longer barrel better trigger. not hand lapped action
    model 5 is a model 2 action with a model 1 barrel
    unsure about model 4s

    within this there are differences in rifling of the barrels some have 5 or six grouves and others have 10 or 12
    You missed the TGF model?
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  6. #21
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill999 View Post
    Seeing as the Brno's are popular .22's in NZ it does no harm to revive an older thread relating to the OP's commonly asked question.

    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    my own experience with a model on e was on the coast 30+yrs ago...........
    Great yarn kotuku.

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Whakatete Bay... Coromandel
    Just purchased a MOD 1 49, Sights all good, even a sight cover on front sight. Mint condition except for a couple of scratches on the stock. Blueing all intact showing little wear. Even the screws lead me to believe I might have been the first to take it down.

    To my delight there wasnt a spot of rust under the woodwork either which was a worry as the previous owner admitted to having never taken it down.
    Spudattack and 10-Ring like this.

  8. #23
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Feb 2014
    You lucky sod. Did it come with an original magazine? You will also have the early non adjustable Model 1 trigger which is a little harder to tune but can be done. Is it the beech stocked version? The stocks came in three versions, beech, walnut and walnut with pistol grip checkering.

    I have just bought a Model 1 1950 with deluxe walnut stock and it has had rust under the woodwork. Apparently this was due to a chemical reaction between the walnut and the bluing used by Brno. It didn't affect the beech stocked models. Unfortunately, mine was parkerised but still has the original serial numbers 75532. Shoots brilliantly.

  9. #24
    Numzane Spudattack's Avatar
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    Love model 1s, I have a 1948 deluxe walnut model 1 that my grandfather bought brand new, unfortunately it has the pitting under the barrel but is otherwise original with its original magazine, missing its sight hood unfortunately (I lost it in the bush )
    It has been a hard working farm rifle and spent most of its life bouncing around in a series 1 land rover in the Natal north coast humidity so it certainly has a lot of "character!"

    Enjoy yours, they are special!
    10-Ring likes this.
    "Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."

  10. #25
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    Whakatete Bay... Coromandel
    Quote Originally Posted by 10-Ring View Post
    You lucky sod. Did it come with an original magazine? You will also have the early non adjustable Model 1 trigger which is a little harder to tune but can be done. Is it the beech stocked version? The stocks came in three versions, beech, walnut and walnut with pistol grip checkering.

    I have just bought a Model 1 1950 with deluxe walnut stock and it has had rust under the woodwork. Apparently this was due to a chemical reaction between the walnut and the bluing used by Brno. It didn't affect the beech stocked models. Unfortunately, mine was parkerised but still has the original serial numbers 75532. Shoots brilliantly.
    Hi 10 ring, yes I do feel lucky. The wood when I looked at it didn't strike me as walnut so you have just answered one of my questions, its Beech. I think the magazine is original I havn't been around a Bruno for a few years so I will have another look. I will try to get a photo and put it up on here

  11. #26
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Look forward to seeing the photo Scribe.

    Something to interest the folks who like to get pronunciations right - Brno is pronounced "Burno".

    It's amazing the amount of people who pronounce Anschutz as "Anshultz". Some even spell it that way. Must be a hang over from old Shultz on Hogan's Heroes. Same thing goes for Leupold with most people pronouncing it "Lee-a-pold". The correct pronunciation is "Loo-pold". The company even used to mention this in their old catalogues. I guess they gave up as they longer do so.

    Anyway, I'm getting a little off track here.

  12. #27
    Numzane Spudattack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10-Ring View Post
    Look forward to seeing the photo Scribe.

    Something to interest the folks who like to get pronunciations right - Brno is pronounced "Burno".

    It's amazing the amount of people who pronounce Anschutz as "Anshultz". Some even spell it that way. Must be a hang over from old Shultz on Hogan's Heroes. Same thing goes for Leupold with most people pronouncing it "Lee-a-pold". The correct pronunciation is "Loo-pold". The company even used to mention this in their old catalogues. I guess they gave up as they longer do so.

    Anyway, I'm getting a little off track here.
    Another interesting one is that Sako is actually pronounced "Sack-oh" by the Finns.
    "Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."

  13. #28
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spudattack View Post
    Another interesting one is that Sako is actually pronounced "Sack-oh" by the Finns.
    Good one Spud.

  14. #29
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    spreydon christcurch.
    spud i was given to understand its spoken a "sock-o". arent they in fact an offshoot of the husquvarna conglomerate in scandinavia??
    madjon_ likes this.

  15. #30
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    spud i was given to understand its spoken a "sock-o". arent they in fact an offshoot of the husquvarna conglomerate in scandinavia??
    I don't think the Finnish Sako has any association with the Sweedish firm of Husquvana. Sako is now owned by the Italian company Beretta.



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