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Thread: Vanguard by Weatherby Rifle - any experiences or reviews?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    I reckon that’s bloody good buying with a leupold on it!
    I have the exact same rifle, but in mint condition, it’s shot way less 100 rounds.
    Shoots well, I should sell it, never use it..

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2024
    Driftless Region USA
    I have owned 6 Howa/Weatherbys over the years. I sold the 243 and 7RM and then picked up a 30-06 on clearance and a 308 a 6.5 and a 22-250. The only turd has been the 22-250. I thought it had a 12 twist but turns out it’s a 14. I struggle to keep a consistent 1.5” group. Probably rebarrel that one but the rest have all shot under an inch for 5 shots.

    The 6.5 Howa Alpine is a favorite. It’s light and keeps 120 NBTs right at .5” or less depending on my coffee intake. I really like the triggers on the ones I have. 2 are single stage and 2 are the HACT. The only bad thing to say about them is the action is heavy but I overlook that considering I also have heavier rifles and ARs that I shoot a lot more than the Howa/Weatherbys.
    Micky Duck likes this.



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